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Common Solutions for Graphical Issues with Mods #72

Open friznit opened 1 year ago

friznit commented 1 year ago
Issue Solution
Flickery orbital lines Turn off Scatterer TAA
Flickering planets in map mode Turn off TUFX TAA in 'Tracking' profile (or use default-tracking profile in map mode)
Engine glow clipping into engine bell Could be either TUFX or Scatterer TAA. Turn off in 'Flight' profile
~Dark stripes when zoomed in close to rockets~ ~Turn off TUFX ambient occlusion in 'Flight' profile~ Apparently fixed inTUFX v1.0.6.0
~Transparent parts when in direct light~ ~Turn off TUFX HDR in 'Flight' profile~ Apparently fixed inTUFX v1.0.6.0 (Shabby is a required dependency)
City Lights Flickering (KSRSS Reborn) Alt + 0, citylight manager, hit apply
Scatterer Shadows Fix Long Distance Terrain Shadows = OnShadow Distance = 15000Shadowmap Resolution = 16384Shadow Cascade Splits = 0.0020 , 0.01500 , 0.03500Shadow Bias = 0.520 Normal Bias = 0.300
Extra Bright Colours Download Color Fix cfg from Kopernicus github or try
Parallax : KSRSS Reborn not loading delete _Configs and Scatters/Configs folder in ParallaxStockTextures
Parallax: lights causing FPS drops turn down max pixel lights in the game settings
Parallax: FPS drops on Mars Scatter density too high; edit plant config

KSRSS Reborn Setup

  2. Kopernicus (latest)
  3. Parallax 2.0 & Parallax StockTextures
  4. Open Parallax StockTextures & delete _Configs and _Scatters/Configs folders
  5. Eve Redux
  6. Planetshine
  7. Distant Objects Enhancment
  8. TUFX
  9. TruthfulGnome's version of Katniss Cape Canaveral (Github Master branch)

(Note that KSRSS Reborn already includes fixes for Colours, DSN Ranges etc)

friznit commented 1 year ago

