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Soviet Probes #13

Open friznit opened 4 years ago

friznit commented 4 years ago


YE-1 (Luna 1) YE-1A (Luna 2) YE-2A (Luna 3) YE-8 (Luna 17, 21 / Lunokhod 1, 2) YE-8-5 (Luna 15, 16, 18, 20)


Four generations of Mars-Venus unmanned space probes using common designation 1MV to 4MV, using standardised components and differing only in the equipment required for specific missions.

1MV variants Mars 1M Venera 1V (V-67) Venera 1VA (Venera 1)

2MV variants Featured a pressurised Orbital Compartment housing spacecraft systems and a separate Planetary Compartment carrying scientific equipment or acting as a detachable landing module

Venera 2MV-1 Venera 2MV-2 Mars 2MV-3 Mars 2MV-4 (Mars 1) Venera 2V (V-69) (Venera 5)

3MV Variants Venera 3MV-1 (Zond 1) Mars 3MV-4A (Zond 2) Venera 3MV-4 (Venera 2) Venera 3MV-3 (Venera 3) Venera 3V (V-70) (Venera 7) Venera 3V (V-72) (Venera 8)

4MV Variants Mars M-69 Mars M-71 (Mars 2) Mars M-73 (Mars 4 (3MS)) Venera 4V-1 (Venera 9 & Vega (Venera-Gallei)) Venera 4V-2 (Venera 15) Astron Prognoz Granat

friznit commented 3 years ago

Example Builds

Venera 4V1M and 4V2 also in Probes+

friznit commented 3 years ago

Venera 1MV Venera 4MV Lunar YE-8-5 (Cruise) Lunar YE-8-5 Lunokhod YE-8 Fobos 1F Meteor