frmscoe / postman

Used for different rule testing and populating the arangodb
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Postman: Consolidate configuration files into the configuration database #54

Open Sandy-at-Tazama opened 1 month ago

Sandy-at-Tazama commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a Tazama system operator I want to align the names of the different collections and consolidate all configuration collections into the same database so that there is improved maintainability; and so that there are consistent development practices; and so that the system is as simple as possible to maintain and configure for an inexperienced user


epic: consolidate configuration files into the Configuration database #10

Database layout and contents in Tazama is inconsistent and out of date:

The Configuration database contains the following collections:

The networkmap database contains the following collection:

The change

  1. Capitalise the Configuration database consistently in relation to other databases, i.e. "configuration".
  2. Remove the channelExpression collection (Dependent on the removal of the CADProc from the default Tazama flow)
  3. Rename the "configuration" collection to the "ruleConfiguration" collection a. Move rule configuration retrieval to the Tazama code library b. Update rule processors to retrieve their configurations from the renamed collection by implementing the code from the Tazama code library
  4. Rename the "typologyExpression" collection to the "typologyConfiguration" collection. a. Move typology configuration retrieval to the Tazama code library b. Update the typology processor to retrieve its configuration from the renamed collection by implementing the code from the Tazama code library
  5. Remove the "transactionConfiguration" collection.
  6. Move the "networkConfiguration" from the networkmap database to the configuration database a. Move ED configuration retrieval to the Tazama code library b. Update the event director to retrieve its configuration from the renamed collection by implementing the code from the Tazama code library

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Implement the change to configuration (
  2. Update Postman tests that interact with the configuration databases as part of their pre-request scripts (and/or test scripts).
  3. Update database and collection values in postman environment files
  4. Testing: unit, integration, end-to-end, regression
rtkay123 commented 2 days ago

I have started on this. I needed the (postman) setup collections to setup my environment. Currently working on a branch:

Also worth noting, my branch is also updating the indexes. I think should also be updated