Planning phase : 'CONFIRM' instead of 'BACK' when picking cards
~Intro: Way to skip Gossy introduction early on in first dialogue tree or with 'skip' button~
Parliament: some text saying 'ALLY BONUS' or something to make it clear what the benefits are for allyship
~Game over screen: some way to show world state on gameover so players know what caused their downfall~
Make political capital icon consistent. bigger q: does converting research points / infra points make sense any more. could be simpler to get rid of these?
~Planning: YEARS LEFT hidden by scanner could be improved~
~Add credits to title screen~
When first starting there seemed to be far too many 'cards'. At that point you're not yet familiar with the flow of the game and so the cards have less of a context. But I found myself spending a lot of time reading through every card to understand the options before going to any other steps and learning about the other components of the game. I also thought some of the card titles would be inaccessible or jargon-y/academic to a typical player. Words like 'pedagogy' and 'desire' in the context of certain cards. Also on my phone I had a lot of difficulties maneuvering the cards. There were issues with the frame and the screen bar (you're probably aware).