frnsys / half_earth

Half-Earth Socialism: The Game, for Half-Earth Socialism (Verso 2022)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
37 stars 6 forks source link

Production of Electricity and Fuel is zero for all options #259

Closed macabot closed 1 year ago

macabot commented 1 year ago


In the year 2050 I got a message that there are critical production shortages for electricity and fuel. When I inspect the production, I see that all electricity and fuel options produce 0 electricity/fuel, even if a percentage of production has been assigned to that option.

It is unclear to me why this is the case. Perhaps it is a bug. If not, then I would argue that the UI would benefit from an explanation as to why an option does not produce anything.

Please let me know if you require any additional information.

Thank you for making such an interesting game!

macabot commented 1 year ago

This steam thread discusses the same problem:

The following is marked as the solution:

On the top left corner of those cards where it displays their energy production and emission, is it all zero or are they producing something?

For me, I've noticed energy sources that require higher land allocation would crash into 0 once I passed land protection policies/infrastructure. The only way to solve this was to invest into energy sources that didn't require as much land such as the floating wind turbines. It seems percent allocation will not affect energy production if the materials and land requirements for those energy productions cannot be fulfilled.

However, there already is a feature that reduces max percent allocation as can be seen with geothermal and hydropower, so it puzzles me why other energy productions aren't affected and simply flatline no matter how much you allocate into them.

You'll also have to invest into increasing energy/fuel efficiency and lowering their demand to make things sustainable. The continental smart grid will help with blackouts/brownouts and the battery storage network will help increase energy productivity of solar and wind.