frnsys / half_earth

Half-Earth Socialism: The Game, for Half-Earth Socialism (Verso 2022)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Calorie production drops to zero after 2065 #298

Open tessarion87 opened 2 weeks ago

tessarion87 commented 2 weeks ago


So, for some reason, the plant and animal calorie production drops to zero after 2065, setting off global famine (fortunately, I had enough Contentment built up that I was still able to win the game).

Here's my event log:

`Your History

[2025] political_capital: 100 -> 0 protected_land: 0.1 -> 0.115 emissions.as_gtco2eq: 51.579174 -> 53.96747 flags: Added "SkipTutorial" events: Added "Intro Cutscene" Added "Planning Intro" Added "Flooding - Intro" Added "Wildfires - Intro" Added "Flooding" Added "Flooding" Added "Flooding" Added "Wildfires" Added "Flooding" extinction_rate: 90.188515 -> 94.246544 temperature: 1.1 -> 1.424141 outlook: 30.0 -> 27.189825 projects: Next-Gen Solar PV: status: Inactive -> Building Green Hydrogen: status: Inactive -> Building Cellular Meat: status: Inactive -> Building Utopian Curriculum: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Ecofeminist Curriculum: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Animal Liberationist Curriculum: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) High-Density Batteries: status: Inactive -> Building Expand Recycling: status: Inactive -> Building Expand Public Transit: status: Inactive -> Building Factory Farming Reform: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Biochar: status: Inactive -> Building Passive Building Mandate & Retrofit: status: Inactive -> Building Indigenous Sovereignty: status: Inactive -> Building Environmentalist Curriculum: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Energy Conservation Campaign: status: Inactive -> Building Universal Family Planning: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Compost: status: Inactive -> Building Floating Wind Turbines: status: Inactive -> Building Marine Protected Areas: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Pedestrian and Bike-Friendly Cities: status: Inactive -> Building Search for Extraterrestrial Life: status: Inactive -> Building Remediate and Protect Ecosystems: status: Inactive -> Building

[2030] political_capital: 0 -> 1 protected_land: 0.115 -> 0.14666666 emissions.as_gtco2eq: 53.96747 -> 50.193535 events: Added "Ally - The Environmentalist" Added "Ally - The Utopian" Added "Book Extract - Havana" Added "NPC guidance - Ecologist" Added "NPC guidance - Geoengineer" Added "New Mosquito-Borne Disease" Added "Earth Liberation Front - (Re)Formation" Added "Mountain Gorilla Declared Extinct" Added "Oil Pollution Causes High Infant Mortality" Added "Disease Outbreak" Added "Acid Rain" Added "Heatwaves - Intro" Added "Aurochs Return to the Eurasian Plains" Added "Massive Jellyfish Blooms" Added "Great Barrier Reef Dead" Added "Wildfires" Added "Wildfires" Added "Disease Outbreak" Added "Disease Outbreak" Added "Locust Infestation" Added "Ash Dieback" Added "Disease Outbreak" Added "Disease Outbreak" Added "Vaquita Porpoise Declared Extinct" Added "Wildfires - Smoke" Added "Brownouts - Intro" extinction_rate: 94.246544 -> 98.186554 temperature: 1.424141 -> 1.5513867 outlook: 27.189825 -> 22.2818 projects: Sewage Treatment Plants: status: Inactive -> Building Reconcile Town and Country: status: Inactive -> Building Food Waste Campaign: status: Inactive -> Building Feminist Science and Technology Studies: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Reintroduce Apex Predators: status: Inactive -> Building Meatless Mondays: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Indigenous Sovereignty: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Energy Conservation Campaign: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Ecosocialist Video Game: status: Inactive -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Advances in Ecosystem Modelling: status: Inactive -> Building processes: Solar PV: mix_share: 1 -> 4 Smallholder Farms: mix_share: 6 -> 7 Industrial Crop Ag: mix_share: 14 -> 10 Terrestrial Wind Power: mix_share: 1 -> 3 Coal Power Generation: mix_share: 7 -> 5 Natural Gas Power Gen: mix_share: 5 -> 3 Petroleum Power Gen: mix_share: 1 -> 0 Organic Crop Ag: mix_share: 0 -> 3

[2035] protected_land: 0.14666666 -> 0.17999998 emissions.as_gtco2eq: 50.193535 -> 40.864014 events: Added "Nemesis - The Consumerist" Added "Ally - The Ecofeminist" Added "Forest Infested" Added "Heatwaves" Added "Heatwaves" Added "Heatwaves" Added "Heatwaves" Added "Heatwaves" Added "Severe Flooding - Intro" Added "Severe Hurricane - Intro" Added "Too Hot to Work" extinction_rate: 98.186554 -> 99.812195 temperature: 1.5513867 -> 1.6519858 outlook: 22.2818 -> 31.58579 projects: Sewage Treatment Plants: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Esperanto: status: Inactive -> Building Green Hydrogen: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Cellular Meat: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Phage Therapy: status: Inactive -> Building High-Density Batteries: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Expand Recycling: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Nuclear Fusion: status: Inactive -> Building Biofabrication: status: Inactive -> Building Reintroduce Apex Predators: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Electric-Arc Furnaces: status: Inactive -> Building Battery Storage Network: status: Inactive -> Building Fast-Breeder Reactor: status: Inactive -> Building Biosphere 3: status: Inactive -> Building Alternative Refrigerants: status: Inactive -> Building Compost: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Floating Wind Turbines: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) 'Green' Container Ships: status: Inactive -> Building Search for Extraterrestrial Life: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) Long-Range Electric Aviation: status: Inactive -> Building Perennial Cereals: status: Inactive -> Building processes: Solar PV: mix_share: 4 -> 5 Terrestrial Wind Power: mix_share: 3 -> 7 Coal Power Generation: mix_share: 5 -> 2 Natural Gas Power Gen: mix_share: 3 -> 1

[2040] political_capital: 1 -> 0 protected_land: 0.17999998 -> 0.45 emissions.as_gtco2eq: 40.864014 -> 25.196505 flags: Added "EcosystemModeling" events: Added "Production Shortage" Added "Day Zero - Water Restrictions Needed Soon" Added "Severe Hurricane" Added "A New Prometheus" Added "Eutrophication - A Problem Solved" Added "Severe Hurricane" Added "Severe Hurricane" Added "Severe Hurricane" Added "Severe Hurricane" Added "Feminist Citizen-Scientists" Added "River Restoration" Added "Deadly Heat Dome" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Flooding" Added "Blackouts" Added "Severe Hurricane" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "New Cuisine" extinction_rate: 99.812195 -> 108.31186 temperature: 1.6519858 -> 1.7285271 outlook: 31.58579 -> 36.23186 projects: Next-Gen Solar PV: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Space Colony: status: Inactive -> Building Expand Nature Preserves: status: Inactive -> Building Continental Smart Grid: status: Inactive -> Building Fanonist Curriculum: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Carbon-Negative Concrete: status: Inactive -> Building Ban High-Seas Fishing: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Electric-Arc Furnaces: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Battery Storage Network: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Space Elevator: status: Inactive -> Building Biochar: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Ban Outdoor Cats: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Masculinity De-Tox: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Pedestrian and Bike-Friendly Cities: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Advances in Ecosystem Modelling: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Accelerationist Curriculum: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Remediate and Protect Ecosystems: status: Building -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) processes: Terrestrial Wind Power: mix_share: 7 -> 10 Coal Power Generation: mix_share: 2 -> 0 Natural Gas Power Gen: mix_share: 1 -> 0

[2045] protected_land: 0.45 -> 0.56999993 emissions.as_gtco2eq: 25.196505 -> 4.1307993 flags: Added "Electrified" Added "FastDevelopment" events: Added "Nemesis - The Authoritarian" Added "Ally - The Animal Liberationist" Added "Ally - The Fanonist" Added "Are We Preserving Too Much Land?" Added "Half-Earth" Added "New Wines in Old Biomes" Added "Back to the Land" Added "Copper Shortage" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Wild Lawns" Added "Australian 'Dinosaur Trees' Destroyed in Wildfire" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Brownouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" Added "Blackouts" extinction_rate: 108.31186 -> 90.56058 temperature: 1.7285271 -> 1.7340492 outlook: 36.23186 -> 63.90982 projects: Crack Down on Crypto-Mining: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Esperanto: status: Building -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Expand Nature Preserves: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Continental Smart Grid: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Reconcile Town and Country: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Mass Electrification: status: Inactive -> Building Drought-Resistant Crops: status: Inactive -> Building Champagne Socialism: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Remove Fetters on the Forces of Production!: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Multistrata Agroforestry: status: Inactive -> Building Biofabrication: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Coastal Wetland Protection and Restoration: status: Inactive -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Green Roofs: status: Inactive -> Building Abolish Prisons: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Regenerative Agriculture: status: Inactive -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) (Mostly) Full Automation: status: Inactive -> Building Biosphere 3: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) Electrify Road Vehicles: status: Inactive -> Building Ban Exotic Animal Trade: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Alternative Refrigerants: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Flexitarian: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) De-Extinction Research: status: Inactive -> Building Ban Non-Indigenous Hunting: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) 'Green' Container Ships: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Long-Range Electric Aviation: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Perennial Cereals: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) processes: Nuclear Power: mix_share: 2 -> 0 Cellular Meat: mix_share: 0 -> 5 Hydropower: mix_share: 3 -> 0 Coal: mix_share: 2 -> 1 Industrial Livestock Ag: mix_share: 20 -> 15 Floating Wind Turbines: mix_share: 0 -> 5 Green Hydrogen: mix_share: 0 -> 5 Biofuels: mix_share: 3 -> 2 Natural Gas: mix_share: 4 -> 2 Petroleum: mix_share: 11 -> 10

[2050] political_capital: 0 -> 10 emissions.as_gtco2eq: 4.1307993 -> -4.054413 flags: Added "Vegetarian" Added "MoreLeisure" events: Added "Urban Gardening" Added "Urban Farming" Added "Pollinator - Decline" Added "Environmental Injustice - Copper" extinction_rate: 90.56058 -> 57.151115 temperature: 1.7340492 -> 1.673144 outlook: 63.90982 -> 66.50763 projects: Underwater Biosphere: status: Inactive -> Building Phage Therapy: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Mass Electrification: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Drought-Resistant Crops: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Direct Air Capture: status: Inactive -> Building Food Waste Campaign: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Carbon-Negative Concrete: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Abolish Zoos: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Expand Public Transit: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Global Demilitarization: status: Inactive -> Building Multistrata Agroforestry: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Restrict Air Travel: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Cloud Brightening: status: Inactive -> Building Green Roofs: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Rien Faire Comme une Bête: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Passive Building Mandate & Retrofit: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Fast-Breeder Reactor: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) Vegetarian Mandate: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Electrify Road Vehicles: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) De-Extinction Research: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) processes: Smallholder Farms: mix_share: 7 -> 6 Cellular Meat: mix_share: 5 -> 10 Industrial Crop Ag: mix_share: 10 -> 8 Coal: mix_share: 1 -> 0 Industrial Livestock Ag: mix_share: 15 -> 10 Green Hydrogen: mix_share: 5 -> 10 Biofuels: mix_share: 2 -> 1 Natural Gas: mix_share: 2 -> 0 Petroleum: mix_share: 10 -> 9 Organic Crop Ag: mix_share: 3 -> 5 Vertical Farming: mix_share: 0 -> 1

[2055] political_capital: 10 -> 37 emissions.as_gtco2eq: -3.0544133 -> -7.432297 flags: Added "MoreAutomation" Added "MetalsShortage" Added "Degrowth" events: Added "Algae Farmers" Added "Mendel-Mania" Added "First 100m-Inhabitant City" Added "Rare Metals Shortage" Added "Most of World Self-Sufficient in Plant Crops" Added "Chthulucene" Added "Severe Flooding" Added "Earth Liberation Front - Attacks" extinction_rate: 57.151115 -> 40.586372 temperature: 1.673144 -> 1.3399495 outlook: 66.50763 -> 81.68837 projects: Direct Air Capture: status: Building -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Nuclear Fusion: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) Global Demilitarization: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Degrowth in Developed Regions: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) De-Extinction Program: status: Inactive -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(2) Cloud Brightening: status: Building -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Phase Out Commercial Fishing: status: Inactive -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(2) Wooden Skyscrapers: status: Inactive -> Building Ban Cars: status: Inactive -> Active active_outcome: None -> Some(0) (Mostly) Full Automation: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) processes: Cellular Meat: mix_share: 10 -> 15 Industrial Livestock Ag: mix_share: 10 -> 5 Green Hydrogen: mix_share: 10 -> 15 Biofuels: mix_share: 1 -> 0 Petroleum: mix_share: 9 -> 5

[2060] political_capital: 37 -> 158 emissions.as_gtco2eq: -7.432297 -> -8.530364 events: Added "Ally - The Accelerationist" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Earth Liberation Front Attacks" Added "Gaia Worship" Added "Clean Air" Added "Recovery of the Niger Delta" Added "Last Fossil Fuel Burnt" Added "Novel Disease" Added "Bird-Watching Craze" Added "Ecotopia" extinction_rate: 40.586372 -> 23.271917 temperature: 1.3399495 -> 1.2454661 outlook: 81.68837 -> 93.32118 projects: Space Colony: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) Underwater Biosphere: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) Space Elevator: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0) processes: Smallholder Farms: mix_share: 6 -> 8 Cellular Meat: mix_share: 15 -> 20 Industrial Crop Ag: mix_share: 8 -> 3 Industrial Livestock Ag: mix_share: 5 -> 0 Green Hydrogen: mix_share: 15 -> 20 Petroleum: mix_share: 5 -> 0 Organic Crop Ag: mix_share: 5 -> 8

[2065] political_capital: 158 -> 128 emissions.as_gtco2eq: -8.530364 -> -10.072686 events: Added "Endangered Species Recover" Added "Global Equality" Added "Famine - Intro" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" Added "Famine" extinction_rate: 23.271917 -> 1.7728541 temperature: 1.2454661 -> 1.1531585 outlook: 93.32118 -> 101.757095 projects: Asteroid Mining: status: Inactive -> Building Wooden Skyscrapers: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(1) 3rd Generation Biofuels: status: Inactive -> Building Relocate Industry to Space: status: Inactive -> Building processes: Industrial Crop Ag: mix_share: 3 -> 0 Organic Crop Ag: mix_share: 8 -> 11

[2070] political_capital: 128 -> 200 emissions.as_gtco2eq: -10.07273 -> -10.05203 events: Added "The Realm of Freedom" extinction_rate: 1.7728541 -> 1.6223259 temperature: 1.1531585 -> 1.0913157 outlook: 101.757095 -> 122.565735 projects: 3rd Generation Biofuels: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0)

[2075] political_capital: 200 -> 257 emissions.as_gtco2eq: -10.05203 -> -19.556715 extinction_rate: 1.6223259 -> 1.5174437 temperature: 1.0913157 -> 1.0089812 outlook: 122.565735 -> 123.309326 projects: Relocate Industry to Space: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(2)

[2080] political_capital: 257 -> 409 emissions.as_gtco2eq: -19.556715 -> -19.325201 events: Added "Growing Old" extinction_rate: 1.5174437 -> 1.3205662 temperature: 1.0089812 -> 0.88973105 outlook: 123.309326 -> 123.9389 projects: Asteroid Mining: status: Building -> Finished active_outcome: None -> Some(0)`

frnsys commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the report, someone else is having a similar problem. This is kind of hard to debug so I just pushed out an update that will include more info in the JS console/end-of-game summary, so if you happen to run into it again please update with the latest logs. But I'll see how far I can get with what you've provided already. thanks!

sgitkene commented 2 weeks ago

In my experience, this happens when there's not enough spare land (or something during the land calculation goes wrong?).


Here I was at 93% land used. (Pie chart seems wrong, I think the number is what counts)


During the next cycle, famines appear.


Indeed no more land is given to the processes producing food and other stuff.

May be related to #259 .

sgitkene commented 2 weeks ago

scanning the steam discussions, there seem to be people with a similar issue in even the steam version of the game:

frnsys commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for all the details. I have a fix for the pie chart issue and it does look like this particular production drop is related to maxing out land usage. My guess is it's related to the algorithm that determines how to allocate a resource across the production processes when there's not enough to meet all of their requirements. I'll keep investigating.

frnsys commented 2 weeks ago

Ok so I've managed to improve how the production planning algorithm works under constrained resource conditions. My setup was to implement Remediate and Protect Ecosystems and Expand Nature Preserves which gets land use up to 100%, so that reproduces land being the limiting factor.

Prior to this these were the production results: Fuel: produced=27.1, demand=108.4 Electricity: produced=4.8, demand=31.9 PlantCalories: produced=264.2, demand=377.4 AnimalCalories: produced=78.9, demand=86.3

With the new algorithm: Fuel: produced=32.5, demand=108.4 Electricity: produced=11.2, demand=31.9 PlantCalories: produced=256.6, demand=377.4 AnimalCalories: produced=86.3, demand=86.3

Not a drastic difference, but still better -- all animal calorie demand is met, for example.

But otherwise this is expected behavior--production is going to be limited if you don't have enough resources.

From the other reports I've seen the case of calorie production dropping to 0 is likely because of a fuel shortage (b/c of land usage probably) which then means there's no fuel to produce food with. I think this change will make that scenario less drastic (i.e. hopefully not plummet calorie production to 0).

I'll make another small UI change here to communicate more clearly these shortages and their underlying causes.