frnsys / half_earth

Half-Earth Socialism: The Game, for Half-Earth Socialism (Verso 2022)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
41 stars 7 forks source link

Planning session chatter #66

Closed frnsys closed 2 years ago

frnsys commented 2 years ago

NPCs comment on what decisions you make, as you make them. How should this be implemented?

This shouldn't be too hard to add into the existing events system, we could just add conditions such as PlanIncludes(Project) and PlanProcessTarget(Process, x), and they would roll at the end of the planning phase.

If it's better to have the commentary occur as soon as you make a planning decision, rather than all at once at the end of the planning phase, we'd just add a new planning phase-event phase (confusing) like PlanDecision or something.

frnsys commented 2 years ago

Actually, these can probably all be handled by existing conditions:

The only thing that would need to change is adding a new event phase to roll for these, as noted above