froala / design-blocks

A set of 170+ Bootstrap based design blocks ready to be used to create clean modern websites.
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Build error #109

Open randy-johnson opened 5 years ago

randy-johnson commented 5 years ago

I get the following error when I run npm run start

Any idea what the issue is?

C:\Users\randy\db1\design-blocks>npm run start

> froala-design-blocks@2.0.1 start C:\Users\randy\db1\design-blocks
> gulp

[14:44:18] Using gulpfile ~\db1\design-blocks\gulpfile.js
[14:44:18] Starting 'clean-.tmp'...
[14:44:18] Finished 'clean-.tmp' after 1.98 ms
[14:44:18] Starting 'html-.tmp'...
[14:44:18] Finished 'html-.tmp' after 7.89 ms
[14:44:18] Starting 'pug-.tmp'...
[14:44:19] Finished 'pug-.tmp' after 823 ms
[14:44:19] Starting 'imgs-.tmp'...
[14:44:19] Finished 'imgs-.tmp' after 657 μs
[14:44:19] Starting 'sass-.tmp'...
[14:44:19] Finished 'sass-.tmp' after 1.18 ms
[14:44:19] Starting 'connect'...
[14:44:19] Starting server...
[14:44:19] Finished 'connect' after 28 ms
[14:44:19] Starting 'watch'...
[14:44:19] Finished 'watch' after 3.53 ms
[14:44:19] Starting 'default'...
[14:44:19] Finished 'default' after 18 μs
[14:44:19] Server started http://localhost:8001
[14:44:19] Running server

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: src\scss\_variables.scss
Error: Undefined variable: "$input-height-inner-sm".
        on line 71 of src/scss/_variables.scss
        from line 5 of src/scss/froala_blocks.scss
>> eight-inner-sm} + #{$input-height-border});

    at options.error (C:\Users\randy\db1\design-blocks\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:291:26)
Emitted 'error' event at:
randy-johnson commented 5 years ago

fwiw I get this when trying to build on my mac as well.

stefanneculai commented 5 years ago

@randy-johnson could you try doing npm install first?

ivuorinen commented 5 years ago

I bumped in to the same error.

Looks like $input-height-inner-sm and $input-height-inner-lg (maybe similar others) have been removed from Bootstrap _variables.scss file.

This quick "fix" worked for me, but haven't really dived into the style changes:

@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

$input-height-inner-sm: $input-height-inner;
$input-height-inner-lg: $input-height-inner;

@import "~froala-design-blocks/src/scss/froala_blocks";
randy-johnson commented 5 years ago

@stefanneculai, I did this before, but I tried again and received the same error. @ivuorinen thanks I will try that and see how it goes. Thank You.

bdavidxyz commented 5 years ago

Just comment the lines with $input-height-inner-sm and $input-height-inner-lg, they are not used anyway.

DaWe35 commented 4 years ago

Same bug here, from windows 10

iamandrewluca commented 4 years ago