froala / wysiwyg-rails

Ruby gem for Froala jQuery WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
MIT License
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Cannot select Text in IE11 #51

Closed keferboeck closed 6 years ago

keferboeck commented 7 years ago

On Version 2.5.0 as well as previous Versions I am not able to select text and click into the editor in general. It only happens on IE11. All following Edge Versions 14 and 15 work perfectly fine. I found various threads that talk about the topic, but any solution did not work.

Here the versions in use:

Using rake 10.4.2 Using i18n 0.6.11 Using json 1.8.6 Using minitest 5.10.1 Using thread_safe 0.3.6 Using builder 3.2.3 Using erubis 2.7.0 Using rack 1.5.5 Using commonjs 0.2.7 Using concurrent-ruby 1.0.5 Using tilt 2.0.6 Using libv8 (x86_64-linux) Using ref 2.0.0 Using execjs 2.7.0 Using thor 0.19.4 Using mime-types-data 3.2016.0521 Using arel Using multi_json 1.12.1 Using public_suffix 2.0.5 Using bcrypt 3.1.11 Using coderay 1.1.1 Using debug_inspector 0.0.2 Using sass 3.4.23 Using bootstrap_form 2.6.0 Using breadcrumbs_on_rails 3.0.1 Using browser 2.3.0 Using cancancan 1.16.0 Using bundler 1.14.4 Using net-ssh 4.1.0 Using mini_portile2 2.1.0 Using ffi 1.9.17 Using chronic 0.10.2 Using climate_control 0.1.0 Using cocoon 1.2.9 Using coffee-script-source 1.12.2 Using deep_merge 1.1.1 Using cookie_law 0.1.2 Using i18n_data 0.7.0 Using sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.1.1 Using unicode_utils 1.4.0 Using database_cleaner 1.5.3 Using orm_adapter 0.5.0 Using diff-lcs 1.3 Using unf_ext Using escape_utils 1.2.1 Using fast_blank 1.0.0 Using filterrific 2.1.2 Using geocoder 1.4.3 Using gli 2.15.0 Using gmaps4rails 2.1.2 Using gritter 1.1.0 Using sexp_processor 4.8.0 Using netrc 0.11.0 Using maxminddb 0.1.12 Using mimemagic 0.3.0 Using mobileesp_converted 0.2.3 Using modernizr-rails 2.7.1 Using mysql2 0.3.21 Using newrelic_rpm Using request_store 1.3.2 Using pr_geohash 1.0.0 Using rails_layout 1.0.34 Using rdoc 4.3.0 Using role_model 0.8.2 Using route_downcaser 1.1.5 Using rspec-core 2.14.8 Using rspec-mocks 2.14.6 Using rubyzip 1.2.1 Using websocket 1.2.4 Using settingslogic 2.0.9 Using sunspot_solr 2.2.7 Using underscore-rails 1.8.3 Using videojs_rails 4.12.15 Using will_paginate 3.1.5 Using wiselinks 1.2.1 Using faker 1.7.3 Using recaptcha 4.1.0 Using tzinfo 1.2.2 Using rsolr 1.1.2 Using sitemap_generator 5.3.1 Using rack-test 0.6.3 Using warden 1.2.7 Using rack-cache 1.7.0 Using less 2.6.0 Using sprockets 3.7.1 Using haml 4.0.7 Using therubyracer 0.12.3 Using uglifier 3.1.1 Using mime-types 3.1 Using addressable 2.5.0 Using better_errors 2.1.1 Using binding_of_caller 0.7.2 Using bootstrap-sass Using font-awesome-sass 4.7.0 Using net-scp 1.2.1 Using nokogiri Using childprocess 0.6.2 Using whenever 0.9.7 Using cocaine 0.5.8 Using coffee-script 2.4.1 Using money 6.8.1 Using sort_alphabetical 1.1.0 Using rspec-expectations 2.14.5 Using unf 0.1.4 Using ruby_parser 3.8.4 Using mobvious 0.3.2 Using sdoc 0.4.2 Using activesupport 4.1.12 Using sunspot 2.2.7 Using css_splitter 0.4.6 Using mail 2.6.4 Using launchy 2.4.3 Using sshkit 1.12.0 Using xpath 2.0.0 Using layzr-rails 0.1.0 Using selenium-webdriver 3.2.1 Using countries 2.0.7 Using domain_name 0.5.20170223 Using html2haml 2.1.0 Using actionview 4.1.12 Using activemodel 4.1.12 Using config 1.4.0 Using factory_girl 4.2.0 Using jbuilder 1.5.3 Using mobvious-rails 0.1.2 Using pundit 1.1.0 Using capistrano 3.1.0 Using capybara 2.12.1 Using country_select 3.0.0 Using http-cookie 1.0.3 Using actionpack 4.1.12 Using activerecord 4.1.12 Using paperclip 4.3.7 Using rest-client 2.0.1 Using less-rails 2.8.0 Using railties 4.1.12 Using actionmailer 4.1.12 Using sprockets-rails 2.3.3 Using route_translator 4.4.1 Using friendly_id 5.1.0 Using globalize 4.0.3 Using paper_trail 4.0.2 Using seed_dump 3.2.4 Using localeapp 2.1.1 Using twitter-bootstrap-rails 3.2.2 Using activerecord-session_store 1.0.0 Using bootstrap-datepicker-rails Using bootstrap-timepicker-rails 0.1.3 Using chart-js-rails 0.0.9 Using coffee-rails 4.0.1 Using jquery-rails 3.1.4 Using responders 1.1.2 Using factory_girl_rails 4.2.1 Using fancybox2-rails 0.2.8 Using font-awesome-rails Using haml-rails 0.9.0 Using i18n-country-translations 1.2.4 Using jquery-fileupload-rails 0.4.7 Using jquery-ui-rails 6.0.1 Using quiet_assets 1.1.0 Using rspec-rails 2.14.2 Using wysiwyg-rails 2.5.0 Using mail_form 1.6.0 Using rails 4.1.12 Using sass-rails 5.0.6 Using friendly_id-globalize 1.0.0.alpha2 Using globalize-accessors 0.1.5 Using Bootstrap-Image-Gallery-rails Using dependent-fields-rails 0.4.2 Using devise 4.2.0 Using i18n_country_select 1.1.7 Using canonical-rails 0.1.1 from git:// (at master@d0d558d) Using dropzonejs-rails 0.7.3 Using gaffe 1.2.0 Using papercrop 0.3.0 Using rails4-autocomplete 1.1.1 Using sunspot_rails 2.2.7

swarzech commented 7 years ago


jason-hobbs commented 7 years ago


stefanneculai commented 7 years ago

@keferboeck @swarzech @jason-hobbs Are you able to reproduce this on our website as well:

keferboeck commented 7 years ago

@stefanneculai - Using the same environment it works fine for me on

jason-hobbs commented 7 years ago

Yes, I can reproduce it on

stefanneculai commented 7 years ago

@jason-hobbs could you please make a recording? @keferboeck could you please send us a link where we can test?

jason-hobbs commented 7 years ago

Here is a recording.

stefanneculai commented 7 years ago

@jason-hobbs it appears we cannot open the file in .mht format. Could you please send an avi or mp4?

jason-hobbs commented 7 years ago

stefanneculai commented 7 years ago

@jason-hobbs this appears to be different than the current issue and same with We are investigating it, however we haven't been able so far to reproduce it at our end.