frodeheg / no.sparegris

Saves money by adjusting when to use electricity
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Set the Piggy Bank price point Mode #121

Open Norxcode opened 1 year ago

Norxcode commented 1 year ago

Add a Piggy Bank Price Point Mode flowcard That Allows you to switch between Automatic/Disablet/Manual from Flowcard/

Normal days/Weeks I can use the Automatic,

Some usecases there I want to change it to adjust it from the flow:

  1. Solar Production is High, but the price from SpotPrice is Expensive. Since the Solar Production generates so much, I want to Change Price Mode first to -->Manual --then--> Adjust the Price to "Billig" or "Grisebillig" And Revert to Automatic as soon as solarproduction drops.

  2. During some special Hours, the Price is negative due to the norwegian "Strømstøtte". However SpotPrice might be indicated as Normal, Dyrt, Ekstremt.. When these situations occours I want to be able from a flow to Change Price Mode first to -->Manual --then--> Adjust the Price to "Billig" or "Grisebillig" And Revert to Automatic as soon as the time time for paying hours is back.

frodeheg commented 1 year ago

For 1. I have been thinking of having an override price point flow that will override the internal price point for X hours. Or do you prefer a Price point mode flow card? ... or I could open up the existing flow card to set Price point except that they only last out the hour?

  1. Would your use-case be preferred for you over the option suggested here:
Norxcode commented 1 year ago

For 1. Both of your suggesstions will work fine for my scenario, as I can use some flows and logics to extend if needed. Not sure about all the logic behind the scene here, but will it introduce an issue with flipping devices?

Say you want to override for three hours. - You change price point to "cheap",Several devices is now set to Turn On, and temperaure adjusted +3 degree At the End of the Hour, the App by himself change price point to "Normal/ or Expensive" based on price. Is there some sort of Delay, or are you able to Trigger another override for another hour before the devices are turned off / Changed temperature due to the Expensive Price Point?

With small amount of devices it is might be good enough to just override directly on the target device itself. My suggestion was more based on using same way for both the PricePoint and "Set the Piggy Bank operation mode" to keep them similar as the terminology was already in use for that flowcard.

  1. Support for Production is definitiv the way to Go, however I expect it to be a quite a large topic if you dive into it. Depending on how much of the workflow the app should handle automaticaly with build in VS custom workflows. So my sugesstion was more a workaround before the Production side of the app was introduced.
frodeheg commented 1 year ago

The app only tries to adjust the price point at the beginning of every hour. Thus, an override for X hours would only last out the hour X-1 from the point it was triggered. An override would also be possible to replace and I would never add an override without the possibility to reset the override.

I do support the idea that it might be good as a workaround before the Production side is introduced however it will come with a few catches... While adding the flow-card itself is small task it will disable the fetching of electricity prices and ruin all the statistics generation related to prices whenever it is used. Although, I'm not sure how interesting this statistics is when you have solar production...

Btw. do you have a battery as well to accumulate solar energy or is it directly connected only? (for my own curiosity... not sure how much effort I should put into that part of the solar support in the beginning)

Norxcode commented 1 year ago

Disable all the fetching and ruin the statics is a valid points, but this is for the Disable mode? If it is changed to Manual mode, is this also stopping the price and statistic? If the statisic shows cheap (then the actual price is still Expensive) because I choose it to be "cheap" might actually be perfect for my usage. - Usually I use this statisic more for troubleshooting to understand that has happend in a timelog view more than an reporting tool. Anyway the more I think about it, It might be easiest to just use the "Manual from Flowcard", and build in some override cards to handle my scenarios.

My Solar installation now is in the learning phase. The Prices for installation is gone to the extreme, so I wanted to find out exactly that I need and how I can utilize it before ordering the fullblown system. To many talks about it, without knowing how it works in real life scenarios.. - Due to the "Strømstøtte" everything is now turned upside/down on how you can think solar economy. So to learn my "Lab" consist of 3x395W panels, a Grid Inverter - Solis S6 Mini - (also got some microinverters to test smaller things with). I have seen production close to 1 kWp at its max, but the condition must be perfect. Will add some batteries as soon as I get my hands on a bargain . Plan is to test Solar charging and, maybee from Grid during cheap hours - Selling to Grid or use myself depends on the Strømstøtte / change in price during day etc. As you see, just in the test phase - at the moment, the status is that from November until March - production is to small to think battery and even selling, but very fun to test out scenarios. Typical in Norway we tend to install all that you can fit to the roof , hower in Gemany and some others there are quite a Few projects going on for Balcony Production that is very interessting. Small installation that people can add themself to their balcony, Generating up to 600W without the need for an electrian or alot of paperwork. You can even find some of the kits in ShoppingMals . I have heard that at leat One Grid Owner in Norway allow Baclcony installation without beeing a "Plus-customer". There are some discussions around the topic on a government level aswell - maybee we will see something similar here.

Norxcode commented 1 year ago

Done some testing using the "Manual flowmode" for price. It seams that the Manual Mode also changes behavior for charger using the "Start charging cheapest Offered energy (kWh) kWh before End time". In Manual Mode it means more: start charging now, until TT:MM. The graph in the app looks like it counts kWh backwards from the finish time sent to it, but the charger seams to start directly. So I belive that is a result of price fetching is not running Reading your answers above makes more sense to me now as I understand more about the logic.

So a Scopecreep to the flowcard for setting Price Mode Add a And Card so we can check that Price Mode is active (Manual,Automatic,Disable)

Usecases for the two flow are: You want to go banans, using asmuch permitted W for your Capacity Tariff as you can due to "Strømstøtte" or You started Produce to the Grid, but you should spent it yourself. - But head back to Automatic then you deside so....

frodeheg commented 1 year ago

If it is changed to Manual mode, is this also stopping the price and statistic?

Yes. I have been thinking of splitting it though so prices are not lost when doing it manually. Or even adding a flow card to supply your own prices.

Not sure if I will get time to do anything in this ticket before Christmas though, it's starting to get pretty busy here.