froggey / Mezzano

An operating system written in Common Lisp
MIT License
3.52k stars 188 forks source link

Consider reminding your patrons on Patreon about your GitHub Sponsors doubler? #169

Closed Hexstream closed 3 years ago

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Your GitHub Sponsors being newer than your Patreon, I think you should consider reminding your patrons on Patreon (if you haven't already?) to transfer their sponsorships to GitHub Sponsors if possible, as a way of more than doubling your received amounts for free (considering the doubler and that GitHub Sponsors charges 0% fees). Also, some might be encouraged to give even more when they know the amount will be doubled! Patreon makes it easy to privately contact all your patrons at once with one message. I just wanted to make sure you're not leaving money on the table.

(Congratulations on your new sponsorships!)

PS: My tweet announcing your Mezzano Demo 5 is sort of trending, congratulations!

froggey commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reminder, but don't worry about it.