fromgate / DbExample

DbExample is an example of using DbLib in Nukkit
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Mindblowing DbLib mechanic... #1

Closed intagaming closed 8 years ago

intagaming commented 8 years ago

If i load my plugin with DbLib 0.1.0 as Library and load the DbExample plugin using DbLib 0.1.1 and load DbLib 0.1.0 or 0.1.1 as a Plugin, my plugin's MySQL loading will work. But if i disable DbExample, the loading on my plugin won't work. If i change the DbExample DbLib's Library version to 0.1.0, the loading won't work either. In conclusion, i need to load DbLib 0.1.0 and 0.1.1 as Library and load the DbLib plugin either to get my code below works. Code:

Connection connect = DbLib.getMySqlConnection(
                (String) mysql.get("host"),
                (Integer) mysql.get("port"),
                (String) mysql.get("database"),
                (String) mysql.get("user"),
                (String) mysql.get("password")
intagaming commented 8 years ago

lol i just posted this issue the wrong project...