As this is a hard to solve problem with our overall site structure, especially when tags are involved, we, as in the bestuur, agreed on simplifying the switcher to always point to the home page, as otherwise this holds us back from launching. Being sent to the main page seemed an acceptable compromise between bugfreeness/maintainability and desired functionality.
Completely okay! I was maybe going to check out the official i18n plugins but as that requires quite some rework I would say let’s do it like this and prioritize checking the content for up to dateness :)
As this is a hard to solve problem with our overall site structure, especially when tags are involved, we, as in the bestuur, agreed on simplifying the switcher to always point to the home page, as otherwise this holds us back from launching. Being sent to the main page seemed an acceptable compromise between bugfreeness/maintainability and desired functionality.
Are you okay with that @anneke?