frontendbr / vagas

:microscope: Espaço para divulgação de vagas para front-enders.
MIT License
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[Remoto] Frontend Developer at Scrapinghub #803

Closed rennerocha closed 5 years ago

rennerocha commented 6 years ago

About the job

You’ll be working on the Platform team, building and maintaining tools to make the world a better place for web crawler developers. We’re a data driven team that defines success by business result rather than completion of a task.

As a frontend developer, you will join us in designing and developing our customer facing application. We have established products that already have product-market fit where you’ll help to grow the business and stay up to date with market demands. At the same time, you’ll be working to iterate quickly on testing new opportunities to help determine which are worth continued investment. Finally, being a completely remote company with team members in many different time zones, you’ll excel in this role as an independent thinker that can always find a way to move projects forward, even if you might be the only team member online at that time.



Job Responsibilities

Required Skills

Desired skills

Bonus Skills

How to apply


eduardojmatos commented 5 years ago

Essa vaga já está inativa por mais dias do que o permitido. Caso ainda tenha a vaga, reabra uma nova issue.

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