frontenddogma / web-development-glossary-forum

Forum for the living book and website for important, historic, and useful web dev terms
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Add additional terms #11

Closed j9t closed 1 year ago

j9t commented 3 years ago
  1. ~/now page~
  2. ~8080~
  3. ~8443~
  4. ~ACE → Arbitrary code execution~
  5. ~ACR → Accessibility Conformance Report~
  6. ~ActivityPub~
  7. ~Activity Streams~
  8. ~ADR → Architecture Decision Record~
  9. ~AKM → Architectural Knowledge Management~
  10. ~Alertmanager~
  11. ~Amdahl’s Law~
  12. ~APCA~
  13. ~Apollo~
  14. ~ART → Agile Release Train~
  15. ~ASM.js~
  16. ~Aspect-oriented programming~
  17. ~Astro~
  18. ~ATK → Accessibility Toolkit~
  19. ~Away team~
  20. ~axe~
  21. ~Baseline~
  22. ~BAU → Business as usual~
  23. ~Bearer~
  24. ~BFS → Breadth-first search~
  25. ~Bidi algorithm~
  26. ~Bidi isolation~
  27. ~Binary compatibility~
  28. ~Birthday attack~
  29. ~Bit manipulation~
  30. ~Bloom filter~
  31. ~Branch coverage~
  32. ~BTR → Build-Time Render~
  33. ~Bun~
  34. ~Cache timing attack~
  35. ~Caret browsing~
  36. ~Case mapping~
  37. ~Checkbox hack~
  38. ~Churn~
  39. ~CIA triad~
  40. ~CLDR → Common Locale Data Repository~
  41. ~CoE → Correction of Errors~
  42. ~COGA → Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force~
  43. ~Common Log Format~
  44. ~Computational irreducibility~
  45. ~Configuration drift~
  46. ~Conformance~
  47. ~Consistent hashing~
  48. ~Container queries~
  49. ~Conventional commits [check on term]~
  50. ~CQRS → Command Query Responsibility Segregation~
  51. ~CRA → Create React App~
  52. ~CRL → Certificate Revocation List~
  53. ~CrUX → Chrome User Experience Report~
  54. ~CSR → Certificate signing request~
  55. ~CSS Naked Day~
  56. ~CSS Samurai~
  57. ~Curly’s Law~
  58. ~Cryptography~
  59. ~DAG → Directed Acyclic Graph~
  60. ~Data masking~
  61. ~dbt~
  62. ~Dead Internet theory~
  63. ~Denormalization~
  64. ~Deprecation trial~
  65. ~DFS → Depth-first search~
  66. ~Disjoint sets~
  67. ~DO-IT → Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology~
  68. ~Drift~
  69. ~Duncan’s taxonomy~
  70. ~Dynamic color~
  71. ~ECB → Electronic codebook~
  72. ~Edge computing~
  73. ~ELK → Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana~
  74. ~Elvis operator [?.]~
  75. ~Ember.js~
  76. ~EMD → Exact match domain~
  77. ~Emmet~
  78. ~Environment isolation~
  79. ~Epoch time → Unix time~
  80. ~Erwise~
  81. ~Extended Log File Format~
  82. ~Fediverse~
  83. ~First Rule of ARIA~
  84. ~Flesch-Kincaid readability tests~
  85. ~Flutter~
  86. ~Flynn’s taxonomy~
  87. ~Font matching~
  88. ~Fuchsia~
  89. ~Function overloading~
  90. ~GA → General Availability~
  91. ~GoF → Gang of Four~
  92. ~GDE → Google Developer Expert~
  93. ~Gem~
  94. ~Gemfile~
  95. ~Generic programming~
  96. ~Geocities~
  97. ~Geocities-ize~
  98. ~GitFlow~
  99. ~gitmoji~
  100. ~Gold-plating~
  101. ~Goodhart’s Law~
  102. ~Grafana~
  103. ~GreenSock~
  104. ~Groovy~
  105. ~HA → High availability~
  106. ~Hamming distance~
  107. ~HAR → HTTP Archive~
  108. ~HATEOAS~
  109. ~Heap~
  110. ~HECVAT~
  111. ~HMR → Hot Module Replacement~
  112. ~htmx~
  113. ~HTTP Archive~
  114. ~ICT~
  115. ~Idempotence~
  116. ~IdP → Identity provider~
  117. ~Immediate mode~
  118. ~Import map~
  119. ~Incident management~
  120. ~Inode~
  121. ~INP → Interaction to Next Paint~
  122. ~Input method~
  123. ~Intent log~
  124. ~Internet Archive~
  125. ~Internet2~
  126. ~Interpolation search~
  127. ~IPsec~
  128. ~ISMS → Information security management system~
  129. ~IT~
  130. ~ITSM → Information technology service management~
  131. ~IUI → Internet Universality Indicator~
  132. ~Kibana~
  133. ~Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm~
  134. ~KTLO~
  135. ~Language metadata~
  136. ~Language subtag~
  137. ~Law of Demeter~
  138. ~Law of Leaky Abstractions → Leaky abstraction~
  139. ~Lerna~
  140. ~Levenshtein distance~
  141. ~Linearizability~
  142. ~Linked list~
  143. ~LOE → Level of Effort~
  144. ~Lift and shift~
  145. ~Longest common substring~
  146. ~LSI → Latent Semantic Indexing~
  147. ~Maximum subarray problem~
  148. ~Meet-in-the-middle attack~
  149. ~Meta programming~
  150. ~Meteor~
  151. ~MHTML~
  152. ~Microsoft Narrator~
  153. ~Mipmap~
  154. ~MJML~
  155. ~Monitoring~
  156. ~Mouse grid~
  157. ~MPA → Multi-page application~
  158. ~MST → Minimum Spanning Tree~
  159. ~Multiprocessing~
  160. ~Multithreading~
  161. ~Naked type~
  162. ~Necro-posting~
  163. ~NFR → Non-functional requirement~
  164. ~Noflake Manifesto, The~
  165. ~NonNullable~
  166. ~NSM → North star metric~
  167. ~OAEP → Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding~
  168. ~OGSM → Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Measures~
  169. ~OLA → Operational Level Agreement~
  170. ~Omnichannel~
  171. ~On prem[ise]~
  172. ~Open Web Docs~
  173. ~OpenAPI~
  174. ~OPFS → Origin Private File System~
  175. ~Over-testing~
  176. ~OWL → Web Ontology Language~
  177. ~Padding oracle~
  178. ~Painless~
  179. ~PANOSE~
  180. ~Partytown~
  181. ~Pass the Cookie~
  182. ~Passkeys~
  183. ~PEMD → Partial exact match domain~
  184. ~PCI DSS → Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard~
  185. ~Phoenix Server pattern~
  186. ~PKCS~
  187. ~PKI → Public key infrastructure~
  188. ~Plus-minus testing~
  189. ~Plusignment~
  190. ~pnpm~
  191. ~PoC → Proof of Concept~
  192. ~PoP → Point of Presence~
  193. ~Priority queue~
  194. ~Privacy Sandbox Initiative~
  195. ~Privilege escalation~
  196. ~PRNG → Pseudorandom Random Number Generator~
  197. ~Processing instruction~
  198. ~Prometheus~
  199. ~Prompt injection attack~
  200. ~Prop drilling~
  201. ~Prototype chain~
  202. ~Prototype pattern~
  203. ~PSON~
  204. ~QRNG → Quantum Random Number Generator~
  205. ~Rabin-Karp algorithm~
  206. ~Rapid prototyping~
  207. ~RBAC → Role-Based Access Control~
  208. ~RCA → Root cause analysis~
  209. ~RCE → Remote code execution [→ Arbitrary code execution]~
  210. ~RCS → Rich Communication Services~
  211. ~RDF Schema~
  212. ~Record of intent → Intent log~
  213. ~Release train~
  214. ~Remix~
  215. ~Retained mode~
  216. ~RNG → Random Number Generator~
  217. ~Rolling hash~
  218. ~RTR → Request-Time Render~
  219. ~Runtime~
  220. ~S-expression~
  221. ~SBML → Systems Biology Markup Language~
  222. ~SDE → Software development engineer + Software development environment + Structured Data Entity~
  223. ~Self-contained action~
  224. ~Serializability~
  225. ~Serialization agreement~
  226. ~Service statelessness principle~
  227. ~Shadow IT~
  228. ~Shape Up [Method]~
  229. ~Sharding~
  230. ~SIGHUP~
  231. ~SIMD → Single Instruction, Multiple Data~
  232. ~Single-serving site~
  233. ~Singularity~
  234. ~SIOC → Semantically Interlinked Online Communities~
  235. ~Skia~
  236. ~SKOS → Simple Knowledge Organization System~
  237. ~SLI → Service level indicator~
  238. ~SLO → Service level objective~
  239. ~Smalltalk~
  240. ~Snowflake server~
  241. ~SOD → Separation of Duties~
  242. ~Solid Project~
  243. ~Solid Protocol~
  244. ~Sorting~
  245. ~Source map~
  246. ~Spider trap~
  247. ~Spike~
  248. ~SQLite~
  249. ~Stack frame~
  250. ~State management~
  251. ~STP → Synchronizer token pattern~
  252. ~Strategy pattern~
  253. ~[Git] submodule~
  254. ~Subpixel rendering~
  255. ~Symbolication~
  256. ~Synthetic monitoring~
  257. ~T3 stack~
  258. ~TAG → Technical Architecture Group~
  259. ~Tail call~
  260. ~Tailwind~
  261. ~TCO → Tail Call Optimization~
  262. ~Template literal~
  263. ~The Million Dollar Homepage~
  264. ~TLB~
  265. ~TMTO → Time-memory trade-off~
  266. ~TPM → Total Productive Maintenance~
  267. ~TPS → Transactions per second~
  268. ~Transitional app~
  269. ~Tree~
  270. ~Tree traversal~
  271. ~Trie~
  272. ~TrueDoc~
  273. ~Trunk-based development~
  274. ~TSDB → Time series database~
  275. ~Type assertion~
  276. ~Type casting~
  277. ~Type grinding~
  278. ~Type predicate~
  279. ~UBE → Unsolicited bulk email~
  280. ~UKM → URL-Keyed Metrics~
  281. ~Union type~
  282. ~Unstoppable domain~
  283. ~Upsert~
  284. ~Vite~
  285. ~VLQ → Variable-length quantity~
  286. ~VLSM → Variable Length Subnet Mask~
  287. ~von Neumann architecture~
  288. ~VPAT → Voluntary Product Accessibility Template~
  289. ~VUI → Voice User Interface~
  290. ~Weak code ownership~
  291. ~Web Almanac~
  292. ~Web3~
  293. ~Webalizer~
  294. ~WebDriver BiDi~
  295. ~WebRTC~
  296. ~WLM → Workload Management~
  297. ~WSAPI → Web Site Application Programming Interface~
  298. ~XXE [attack] → XML External Entity attack~
  299. ~yum~
  300. ~Zeus Web Server~
  301. ~Zone offset~
j9t commented 1 year ago

All terms (and more) worked into version 0.1.90 of WDG3K!