frontenddogma / web-development-glossary-forum

Forum for the living book and website for important, historic, and useful web dev terms
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Add additional terms #14

Open j9t opened 1 year ago

j9t commented 1 year ago


  1. Afferent coupling
  2. Basilisk
  3. Bazaar
  5. Connascence
  6. Deque → Double-ended queue
  7. Efferent coupling
  8. Em square
  9. esbuild
  10. ESM → ECMAScript modules
  11. Example mapping
  12. Expect-CT
  13. Explicit association [of form labels with form controls]
  14. Float label pattern
  15. Focal point
  16. Focus trap
  17. Gamut
  18. Gherkin
  19. GML → Generalized Markup Language
  20. Grapheme cluster
  21. Guidepup
  22. HAL
  23. Hash fragment
  24. HDML → Handheld Device Markup Language
  25. HMVC → Hierarchical model–view–controller
  26. Hover
  27. HPKP → HTTP Public Key Pinning
  28. HyTime
  29. i-mode
  30. IACVT
  31. ICS → Implementation conformance statement
  32. Ideograph
  33. IDness (“IDness is established by processing a DTD that declares certain attributes to have the type ID”)
  34. IDOR → Insecure direct object reference
  35. IEism
  36. ImageMagick
  37. Imperative programming
  38. Implementation
  39. Incremental rendering
  40. Inferred link
  41. Infoset
  42. Inverted company domain → Reverse domain name notation
  43. IoT → Internet of Things
  44. Irlen syndrome
  45. ITIL → Information Technology Infrastructure Library
  46. Jailbreaking
  47. JavaScript engine
  48. Jest
  49. JSDoc
  50. JLS → Java Language Specification
  51. JSON Canvas
  52. k-anonymity
  53. Karma
  54. Kata
  55. Ken Thompson Hack
  56. LangChain
  57. Layout viewport?
  58. LCD → Life-centered design
  59. Line Mode Browser
  60. Liquid
  61. List virtualization [windowing]: “the idea of rendering only visible rows of content in a dynamic list instead of the entire list. The rows rendered are only a small subset of the full list with what is visible (the window) moving as the user scrolls. This can improve rendering performance.”
  62. LLDP → Link Layer Discovery Protocol
  63. LOD → Level of detail
  64. Long polling
  65. MACH
  66. MACH Alliance
  67. Managed server
  68. MariaDB
  69. MCML → Media Center Markup Language
  70. MDC → Markup declaration close
  71. MDO → Markup declaration open
  72. MECE → Mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive
  73. MeeGo
  74. Metric
  75. MicroXML?
  76. Midori
  77. Mob programming → Team programming
  78. MongoDB
  79. MQL → Monitoring Query Language
  80. MTBF → Mean Time Between Failures
  81. MTTR → Mean Time to Repair / Mean Time to Recovery
  82. Non-information spill
  83. npx
  84. Nunjucks
  85. nvm
  86. OE → Operational excellence
  87. Oh My Zsh
  88. oklch()
  89. OPcache
  90. OpenJDK
  91. OpenTelemetry
  92. ORM → Online reputation management
  93. P3P → Platform for Privacy Preferences Project
  94. Packument: “the top-level package document that lists the set of manifests for available versions for a package”
  95. Page experience
  96. Password spraying
  97. Path dependence
  98. Peering
  99. People-first language
  100. PHPDoc
  101. PHPUnit
  102. PIA → Privacy Impact Assessment
  103. Picture superiority effect
  104. PIR → Post-incident review
  105. PJPEG → Progressive JPEG?
  106. Playwright
  107. PMBOK
  108. Policyd-weight
  109. Polling
  110. Positioning context
  111. POSSE
  112. PPR → Partial Prerendering
  113. Priority Hints → Fetch Priority
  114. Priority of Constituencies
  115. Privacy by design
  116. Procedural programming
  117. Procmail
  118. Productivity
  119. Progressive disclosure
  120. PromQL
  121. PSVI → Post-Schema Validation Infoset
  122. Public cloud
  123. Qwik
  124. Radix
  125. Ray-casting
  126. RCU → Read capacity unit
  127. RCU → Read–copy–update
  128. RDDL → Resource Discovery Description Language
  129. RDFa
  130. rebeccapurple
  131. RELAX
  132. RELAX NG
  133. Repaint
  134. RIF → Reduction in force
  135. RLI → Recently Logged In
  136. Rollup
  137. Round-robin
  138. Rotoscoping
  139. RSC → React Server Component[s]
  140. RSVP → Resource Reservation Protocol
  141. Rug pull
  142. Rule of Least Power
  143. Rune(s)
  144. RVM → Ruby Version Manager
  145. Sanitization
  146. SAX → Simple API for XML
  147. SDET → Software development engineer in test
  148. sed
  149. Serverless
  150. Service account
  151. Shard key
  152. Short polling
  153. SIP → Service Improvement Plan
  154. SMO → Social media optimization
  155. Snapshot testing
  156. Soft navigation
  157. Software design pattern
  158. SourceForge
  159. SOP → Standard operating procedure
  160. SPACE [framework]
  161. Spatial Web
  162. Speculation Rules API
  163. Speculative design?
  164. Static code analysis
  165. Story point(s)
  166. Supply chain attack
  167. Svelte
  168. SvelteKit
  169. T4 stack?
  170. TDE → Transparent data encryption
  171. Tech radar
  172. Tech-C
  173. Tour of duty
  174. Trusted outsider
  175. TSDoc
  176. Tweening
  177. Twig
  178. Type safety
  179. TypeDoc
  180. UDDI → Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
  181. V8
  182. Vector database
  183. VIS → Visual identity system
  184. VPS → Virtual private server
  185. WAP Forum
  186. Wasp
  187. WebC
  188. WebGPU
  189. WPF → Windows Presentation Foundation
  190. WS_FTP
  191. WSDL → Web Services Description Language
  192. WXS → W3C XML Schema
  193. XHL → Extensible Hyper Linkage
  194. XPCOM → Cross-Platform Component Object Model


  1. ~/uses page~
  2. ~1–9–90 rule~
  3. ~1NF → First normal form~
  4. ~2NF → Second normal form~
  5. ~3NF → Third normal form~
  6. ~3P → Third-party source~
  7. ~Ableism~
  8. ~Accessibility decay~
  9. ~Accessibility Maturity Model~
  10. ~ADC → Application Default Credentials~
  11. ~AEO → Application Engineering and Operations~
  12. ~AHAH → Asynchronous HTML and HTTP~
  13. ~Ambient declaration~
  14. ~AMPQ → Advanced Message Queuing Protocol~
  15. ~(Spatial) anti-aliasing~
  16. ~Apache CloudStack~
  17. ~ASVS → Application Security Verification Standard~
  18. ~AT Protocol~
  19. ~Audit trail~
  20. ~Auto Forms Mode~
  21. ~Automation blindness~
  22. ~Awesome list~
  23. ~AWK~
  24. ~Barrel file~
  25. ~Baud~
  26. ~Benchmark~
  27. ~Between-subjects design~
  28. ~Binary metric~
  29. ~Blitting → Bit blit~
  30. ~Bottom-up design~
  31. ~Bus factor~
  32. ~Cardinality explosion~
  33. ~CDP → Cisco Discovery Protocol~
  34. ~CDUI → Component-Driven User Interface~
  35. ~Chartjunk~
  36. ~CHMOD~
  37. ~CHOWN~
  38. ~cHTML → Compact HTML~
  39. ~Clipping~
  40. ~CMF design~
  41. ~Cognitive complexity~
  42. ~Confidence level~
  43. ~Confounding variable~
  44. ~Constructive ambiguity~
  45. ~Content Credentials~
  46. ~Content parity~
  47. ~Content projection~
  48. ~CPH → Continuous product health~
  49. ~CRDT → Conflict-free replicated data type~
  50. ~Critical design~
  51. ~DAST → Dynamic application security testing~
  52. ~Data loss~
  53. ~DDML → Document Definition Markup Language~
  54. ~DEI → Diversity, equity, and inclusion~
  55. ~DENIC~
  56. ~Design debt~
  57. ~Design token~
  58. ~Developer advocacy~
  59. ~DevRel → Developer relations~
  60. DevSecOps
  61. ~DLL → Dynamic-link library~
  62. ~DMP → Data management platform~
  63. Document tree
  64. ~DORA → DevOps Research and Assessment~
  65. ~DPA → Data processing agreement~
  66. ~DSD → Document Structure Description~
  67. ~DSDM → Dynamic System Development Model~
  68. ~DTCG → Design Token Community Group~
  69. ~EAV → Entity–attribute–value~
  70. ~ECM → Enterprise content management~
  71. ~EDR → Endpoint detection and response~
  72. ~Employer branding~
  73. ~Employer value proposition~
  74. ~Enum → Enumerated type~
  75. ~EPP → Endpoint protection platform~
  76. ~Hack~
  77. ~IEO → Infrastructure Engineering and Operations~
  78. ~Lua~
  79. ~Malware~
  80. ~Net neutrality~
  81. ~Text-based web browser~
  82. ~TMS → Translation management system~
  83. ~Top-down design~
  84. ~Translation memory~
  85. ~w3m~
  86. ~WAT → WebAssembly text format~
  87. ~WCMS → Web content management system~
  88. ~WebFTP~
  89. ~Webhook~
  90. ~WinterCG → Web-Interoperable Runtimes Community Group~
  91. ~Within-subjects design~
  92. ~XBL~
  93. ~XLIST~
j9t commented 12 months ago

Working on incorporating the first terms. Anything ~struck through~ has been moved into the book (or has been discarded). This is currently being reflected by the 1.1.4x releases.