frontyard / cordova-plugin-exoplayer

Media player plugin for Cordova that uses Google's ExoPlayer
MIT License
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Provide IONIC example #4

Closed khalisafkari closed 2 years ago

khalisafkari commented 7 years ago

Example project for ionic

frontyard commented 7 years ago

@khalisafkari I don't use Ionic so I can't be of help. If you manage to make it work please share what you needed to do.

frontyard commented 7 years ago

If anyone has a working IONIC example please share!

go2hyder commented 7 years ago

I had successfully implemented in ionic before.I am using the plugin version 1.0.0

<button class="button-positive" ng-click="playAudio(url)">Play Audio</button>

<button class="button-positive" ng-click="playVideo(url)">Play Video</button>

var params = { 
  url: url,
   user_agent: "PluginExoPlayer",
    plugin_controls_visible: true, 
    aspect_ratio: 'fit_screen', 
    full_screen: true, 
    raw_touch_events: false,
    header: {   // top header panel
        height: 400, 
        padding: 30, 
        background_color: "#22222222",
        image_url: imageUrl,
        text_color: "#FFFFFFFF",
        text_align: "center" ,// left, center or right
        text: head,
        text_size: 20

  var player = exoplayer.init(params); 
    // {
     console.log("success", success) 
   }, function(err) { console.log("err", err) })
$scope.playVideo= function(url){
var params = { 
  //type: 'hls', 
  url: url,
   user_agent: "PluginExoPlayer",
    plugin_controls_visible: true, 
    aspect_ratio: 'fit_screen', 
    full_screen: true, 
    raw_touch_events: false
  var player = exoplayer.init(params); 
    // {
     console.log("success", success)
     if(success.event_type == "stop_event"){
   }, function(err) { console.log("err", err) }) 
frontyard commented 7 years ago

@go2hyder Do you mind upgrading to the latest version of the plugin and sending new setup code? I'd like to publish it on the main page and give you credit for it.

go2hyder commented 7 years ago

@frontyard Sorry for the late reply

I have updated the plugin and create a sample repository

Please check this

mty620 commented 7 years ago

can someone provide an Ionic v2 or v3 sample?

spyderboy commented 7 years ago

Here's an example with Ionic 2, for those looking:

khalisafkari commented 6 years ago

Please tutorial auto fullscreen landscape

frontyard commented 6 years ago

@khalisafkari Have any of the examples provided here helped you? Orientation of the player should automatically follow your device's orientation. And player is opened fullscreen by default.

mebibou commented 6 years ago

I've just submitted a PR to add the plugin to Ionic Native:, feel free to comment if you think there is a mistake

fthkrtl commented 6 years ago

IONIC 3 - working example @khalisafkari

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NavController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {AndroidExoplayer} from '@ionic-native/android-exoplayer';

  selector: 'page-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.html',
export class HomePage {
  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private exo: AndroidExoplayer) {

  play() {{url:this.url}).subscribe(res => {
      if (res.eventType == 'KEY_EVENT') {
akash-int commented 6 years ago

How to set options for ionic 3 & show control icons? @fthkrtl35

s4git21 commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to play audio only?

The param {'audioOnly': false} throws an error => not assignable to parameter of type 'AndroidExoPlayerParams'. Types of property 'audioOnly' are incompatible. Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'true'.

s4git21 commented 6 years ago

Ionic 3 and Ionic 2. This is for Folks looking for Audio in background mode.

import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
declare var ExoPlayer;
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class RadioPlayer {
    constructor(public plt: Platform) {

    play(streamurl) {
        var params = {
            url: streamurl,
            audioOnly: true

        this.plt.ready().then(() => {

    pause() {
maykoestevez commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks to give us this plugin. Im working on IONIC 4.1.2 and Im trying to open the exploplayer and it works well, but when i add the controller object the app crash and show me the app stop working and i can`t see any out put from console.

this is my code{
      url: 'URL',
      aspectRatio: 'FILL_SCREEN', // default is FIT_SCREEN
      controller: { // If this object is not present controller will not be visible
        streamImage: 'Image',
        streamTitle: 'Channel',
        streamDescription: 'Channel',
        hidePosition: false,
        hideDuration: false
    }).subscribe(result => {
      if (result.eventType == 'KEY_EVENT') {


frontyard commented 6 years ago

@maikolestevez Anything in "adb logcat"?

maykoestevez commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I haven`t check adb logcat.

this is the error Im getting from adb logcat

D/AndroidRuntime(11422): Shutting down VM E/AndroidRuntime(11422): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime(11422): Process: io.ionic.starter, PID: 11422 E/AndroidRuntime(11422): java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=0; index=0 E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at java.lang.String.indexAndLength( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at java.lang.String.charAt( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at co.frontyard.cordova.plugin.exoplayer.LayoutProvider.setupBar( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at co.frontyard.cordova.plugin.exoplayer.LayoutProvider.setupController( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at co.frontyard.cordova.plugin.exoplayer.LayoutProvider.getExoPlayerView( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at co.frontyard.cordova.plugin.exoplayer.Player.createDialog( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at co.frontyard.cordova.plugin.exoplayer.Player.createPlayer( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at co.frontyard.cordova.plugin.exoplayer.Plugin$ E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at$ E/AndroidRuntime(11422): at W/ActivityManager( 2698): Force finishing activity 1 io.ionic.starter/.MainActivity

maykoestevez commented 6 years ago

Done!!!, After checking the logcat I infer that i was missing something that the plugin needs to work so I add all of the others property and end up with this:

adding textButton,butttonColor and bufferingColor it works{
      url: url,
      showBuffering: false,
      controller: { // If this object is not present controller will not be visible
        streamImage: '',
            streamTitle: 'Entretenimiento',
            streamDescription: 'Channel',
            hidePosition: false,
            hideDuration: false,
        **textColor: '#ffff0000',// These colors can be any valid Android color
        buttonsColor: '#ff00ff00', // This example uses hex values including alpha (first byte)
        bufferingColor: '#ff0000ff' // Alpha of 'ff' makes it 100% opaque**

Others things that i saw is that the TS wrapper doesn't have all of the property needed and at the end is better working without it until we improve this, for example textColor is needed for me to make it work but the intellisense told me textColor' does not exist in type 'AndroidExoPlayerControllerConfig' and I couldn't add it with the wrapper, so i have to use this approach to make it work declare var ExoPlayer;

Thank you very much

maykoestevez commented 6 years ago

Other thing how can I hide the blue line that is in the top of the player I think that is the buffering, but i tried showBuffering: false and is not working. blueline

bme1983 commented 6 years ago


I can not get the plugin to work, I get the error ExoPlayer is not defined - Use ionic 3.9.2

It's my code


Ionic Blank

home.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular'; import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular'; declare var ExoPlayer;

@Component({ selector: 'page-home', templateUrl: 'home.html' }) export class HomePage {

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public plt: Platform) { }

openLiveRadio() { var params = { url: '', userAgent: 'MyAwesomePlayer', // default is 'ExoPlayerPlugin' aspectRatio: 'FILL_SCREEN', // default is FIT_SCREEN hideTimeout: 5000, // Hide controls after this many milliseconds, default is 5 sec seekTo: 0, // Start playback 10 minutes into video specified in milliseconds, default is 0 skipTime: 0, // Amount of time to use when going forward/backward, default is 1 min controller: { // If this object is not present controller will not be visible hideProgress: false, controlIcons: { 'exo_rew': '', 'exo_play': '', 'exo_pause': '', 'exo_ffwd': '' } } } this.plt.ready().then(() => {; }); }


Please Help

maykoestevez commented 6 years ago

@bme1983 bro i just did:

then this code

declare var ExoPlayer;

  openLiveRadio() {
    var params = {
    url: '',


This is working prefect.

checkout in your node_modules if you have installed the plugin, your code should be working

node_modules -cordova-plugin-exoplayer

bme1983 commented 6 years ago

Hi @maikolestevez

Its my app.modules.ts

import { AndroidExoplayer } from '@ionic-native/android-exoplayer';

providers: [ StatusBar, SplashScreen,
AngularFireDatabase, AndroidExoplayer, {provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler} ]

Tanks for help

torrober commented 4 years ago

hi! i'm trying to close exoplayer when i press the backbutton, however i can't, the player keeps playing the data stream.

Here´s my code, i'm using ionic 5. home.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular'; declare var ExoPlayer; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: '', styleUrls: [''] }) export class HomePage { data: any; constructor( public http: HttpClient, public platform: Platform ) { this.getData(); this.platform.backButton.subscribe(() => { alert("back button pressed"); console.log("backbutton");


} getData(){ let url = ""; this.http.get(url).subscribe(data =>{ = data; }); } play(url, type) { var streamurl = url; var type = type; var params = { user_agent: "PluginExoPlayer", url: streamurl, showBuffering: false, full_screen: true, aspectRatio: "FILL_SCREEN", } switch (type) { case "hls": => { if (result.eventType == 'KEY_EVENT') { ExoPlayer.close(); } }); break; case "embed": alert("este canal no tiene enlace directo"); break; } } }`

frontyard commented 4 years ago

ExoPlayer.close() definitely works. Back button is kind of special on some platforms, maybe you're not getting that event from the plugin. Try adding plain Cordova keyboard listener and see if you're getting it there. If you are then just close the player there.

torrober commented 4 years ago

Can you provide any example of doing that?

I've tried doing a Cordova only version of the app but I still have that problem. That's why I tried doing it on ionic

frontyard commented 4 years ago

Adding listeners in plain Cordova app would be done like this:

document.addEventListener('backbutton', backButtonEventHandler, false); and document.addEventListener('keyup', keyUpEventHandler, true);

There are more events that Cordova sends, these 2 are just as an example. In your backButtonEventHandler you would do: window.ExoPlayer.close();

torrober commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your example, but i fixed it by changing the library to streamingMedia. Anyway, nice library, might use it on another project!

frontyard commented 4 years ago

No problem. Which streamingMedia library are you referring to @latinochannels?

zeroxies90 commented 3 years ago

How can I play video in Ionic 5 angular12 , I am using Capacitor android and @ionic-native/android-exoplayer and after build apk its not showing player view

that I have{ url: url, controller: { // If this object is not present controller will not be visible streamImage: '', streamTitle: 'Entretenimiento', streamDescription: 'Channel', hidePosition: false, hideDuration: false }


Please help

itmprod commented 2 years ago

Customizing ExoPlayer attributes in Ionic 5 angular12

please help me

naveen-nuveda commented 1 year ago

How to play video in Vue using this ionic Framework