frontyard / cordova-plugin-exoplayer

Media player plugin for Cordova that uses Google's ExoPlayer
MIT License
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Exoplayer is not closing #46

Closed Wannerron closed 6 years ago

Wannerron commented 6 years ago

I've added a backbutton eventlistener to close the exoplayer, but it does not close.

Can you help me?

frontyard commented 6 years ago

Sure, but not without further info.

What version of plugin are you using? What version of Cordova? Can you provide some code around that event listener?

Wannerron commented 6 years ago

Cordova: 6.5.0 Plugin: 2.5.0 (Version Latest not working in monaca)

document.addEventListener("backbutton", onAppBackbutton, false);

frontyard commented 6 years ago

I'd suggest you upgrade to the latest release which is 2.5.3. I'm not saying that's gonna solve your issue but it's difficult to debug older versions. Also,

comrat commented 6 years ago

While writing simple examples for issue reproducing I've figure out what was wrong. It was problems in my JS code (they were just not obvious for me, sorry). Issue can be closed Excuse me for disturbing

frontyard commented 6 years ago

No worries, glad you solved it!