froobynooby / ViewDistanceTweaks

Paper plugin that allows for dynamic simulation and view distances.
MIT License
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Suggestion: Configurable view distances for afk players. (EssentialsX hook) #15

Open hirata-estate opened 2 years ago

hirata-estate commented 2 years ago

Configurable view distances for afk players, via hooking with essentials. Would be an insane amount of performance increase for very little zero gameplay impact.

JustBru00 commented 2 years ago

Technically there isn't zero gameplay impact as players wouldn't be able to afk mob farms. I agree however that this would be a useful option for bigger SMP servers.

hirata-estate commented 2 years ago

Technically there isn't zero gameplay impact as players wouldn't be able to afk mob farms. I agree however that this would be a useful option for bigger SMP servers.

I added view distance for more configuration, but I'd personally use it just for no-tick view distance. My server has 4 normal view-distance (now simulation distance) and 8 for no-tick. I could set the no-tick to 4 for AFK players.

josephrooks commented 2 years ago

Love the idea of this being configurable, and I already give AFK players on my server guidance to be close to their farms so they don't run up against Paper's despawn settings anyway, so not much would change for them while getting us a performance boost maybe.

ZorudaRinku commented 2 years ago

Something to add onto this, would be super cool to just set per-player view distances if possible. It would allow players who have a slower/weaker connection to not need to receive so many chunks, as well as other related things like bedrock players (through geyser) not needing to have so many chunk packets translated to them

xsmeths commented 2 years ago

my sugeestion instead of through an essentialsx hook would be to be able to use placeholderapi placeholders so you can use essentialsx pla eholder or cmi placeholder but in general the idea of afk players not loading as many chunks is a very good one

sofianedjerbi commented 1 year ago

This is better as a standalone plugin :