froobynooby / ViewDistanceTweaks

Paper plugin that allows for dynamic simulation and view distances.
MIT License
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Feature: Render based on players ping #26

Open TomLewis opened 2 years ago

TomLewis commented 2 years ago

The core reason I am looking to use this plugin is because of the drastic change in chunk sizes in 1.18 directly effecting people ping for playing, the sheer amount of extra data sent to the player(s) is causing issues with their pings, the issue I have found is that 95% of players do not change their client render distance, even when told! So its hard to have a larger render for players that have good internet connections and then lower render for those with terrible pings.

The best solution I can think of, is capping the server at 4 render, and then allowing up to 7 render based on a command for players to toggle, so I re-looked at VDT and thought maybe this could just be autoamted but with the option for players to manually toggle upto the maximum amount (then they can adjust in client settings if they require).

Lots of players play on Wifi which gives them erratic ping also, and again no matter how much you try and educate players about fixing network issues their end, youre only going to get to about 5% of players.

Since Mojang added tick-distance VDT got less useful beause we no longer need to worry about ticking entities being combined with view distance, BUT it could pivot and instead be used as a tool specifically for players and 1.18's terrible chunk performance!

soshimee commented 2 years ago

This should be a feature, sometimes I have a bad connection to the host and it's annoying to adjust manually.