froobynooby / ViewDistanceTweaks

Paper plugin that allows for dynamic simulation and view distances.
MIT License
89 stars 17 forks source link

Combining VDT with SeeMore #48

Open Folas1337 opened 1 year ago

Folas1337 commented 1 year ago

Me once again from the earlier issue ( which was closed on see more, which is absolutely understandable, in the hopes that you'll combine those two amazing plugins so we can have both the pros of SeeMore (adjusting view distance based on clients' render distance) but also the pros of VDT such as adapting the view distance based on server performance.

These two combined could be an absolute killer combination I think.

How exactly you make that happen I'll leave up to you, I could imagine something like only cutting down on the max view distance if performance drops or perhaps also one where it decreases everyone's view distance by a certain amount. If the max view distance was 32 and person A had the render distance set to 32 but person B had it at 16, person A's view distance would decrease to 28 while person A's would only be set to 14, something like that but once again, all up to you and how you can make it work out in combination with VDT :)

I hope this sparked some ideas and I'm looking forward to a future which might have this awesome plugin!

Thanks for keeping up the good work with these plugins, they really make Minecraft and all servers running this software so much better!

DaddyRobLIVE commented 1 year ago
