frozeman / feindura-flat-file-cms

feindura - Flat File Content Management System
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.htaccess FilterProvider syntax changed in Apache 2.4 #18

Open tilboerner opened 11 years ago

tilboerner commented 11 years ago

While trying out feindura on my local system, I encountered the following error trying to access the admin interface (/cms):

[Wed Jun 12 16:14:50.852913 2013] [core:alert] [pid 6761] [client ::1:39466] /opt/lampp/htdocs/dev/feindura/feinduraDemoSite/cms/.htaccess: FilterProvider takes three arguments, filter-name provider-name match-expression

I'm running Apache/2.4.3 (Unix), and it seems that in version 2.4, the FilterProvider syntax has changed.

The directive is only in use in cms/.htaccess; commenting out the offending lines seems a viable workaround.

$ grep -Rn FilterProvider feinduraDemoSite
feinduraDemoSite/cms/.htaccess:126:  FilterProvider  COMPRESS  DEFLATE resp=Content-Type /text/(html|css|javascript|plain|x(ml|-component))/
feinduraDemoSite/cms/.htaccess:127:  FilterProvider  COMPRESS  DEFLATE resp=Content-Type /application/(javascript|json|xml|x-javascript)/

Ideally, the filters should of course work in new Apache versions, too.

frozeman commented 11 years ago

you are right :), but have right now no time to look into it, but good that you postet it, so others can fix it to. The .htaccess in /cms/ is only for optimization not necessary really.