frozon / passbook

Passbook gem let's you create pkpass for passbook iOS 6
MIT License
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config/initializers/passbook.rb:9:in `block in <top (required)>': undefined method `p12_cert=' for Passbook:Module (NoMethodError) #49

Closed fahimbabarpatel closed 9 years ago

fahimbabarpatel commented 9 years ago

Hello All,

I followed below steps:-

  1. Added gem in Gemfile and installed it.
  2. rails g passbook:config
  3. Passbook.configure do |passbook| passbook.wwdc_cert = Rails.root.join('my.pem') passbook.p12_certificate = Rails.root.join('my.p12') passbook.p12_password = 'my_password' end

Once I start server then facing below error:-

config/initializers/passbook.rb:9:in block in <top (required)>': undefined methodp12_cert=' for Passbook:Module (NoMethodError)

Thanks! in advance.

frozon commented 9 years ago

Seems you have some trouble with the initializer it self. Are you sure that you use passbook.p12_certificate and not passbook.p12_cert?

fahimbabarpatel commented 9 years ago

Thanks !

I changed passbook.p12_cert to passbook.p12_certificate and it worked.