frozon / passbook

Passbook gem let's you create pkpass for passbook iOS 6
MIT License
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where to obtain notification_cert.pem #62

Closed hshar7 closed 7 years ago

hshar7 commented 7 years ago

My apologies about the noob questions, where can I obtain the notification_cert.pem cert?

frozon commented 7 years ago

Hi @hshar7 you'll find all informations about certs there

Hope this will help

hshar7 commented 7 years ago

@frozon Trying to read that but I am really not sure where to get a push notification cert for a pass.. if we don't have a separate app that interacts with the pass it wouldn't need a push cert, right?

frozon commented 7 years ago

Push certs is needed if you need to actually push info/update to the device on which the cert is installed. If you do not plan to do so, then no, you don't need push certs.

hshar7 commented 7 years ago

Oooh finally got it now :) thanks! To clarify for everyone else, you can update the pass and have the new version ready to be served when the user requests the update (by refreshing the pass) However, if you need to immediately update the card using push notification you will need to setup a separate app through Apple Developer account and have that cert included in the pass.