frozon / passbook

Passbook gem let's you create pkpass for passbook iOS 6
MIT License
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Can't open .pkpass file #72

Closed dylanbromby closed 4 years ago

dylanbromby commented 4 years ago

We've been using this gem for a few years, but suddenly we're unable to open generated .pkpass files and all we've done is generated a new Pass Type certificate from Apple. Has anyone else had any issues lately?

rmdydo commented 4 years ago

We recently started getting the following error: "The passTypeIdentifier or teamIdentifier provided may not match your certificate, or the certificate trust chain could not be verified." Same error?

dylanbromby commented 4 years ago

It was a certificate/signing bug on Apple's side. We had a brief email exchange with senior leadership about it after we concluded we'd exhausted all possible issues on our end. Here's a snippet from 2/11/20:

The issue with the Certificate generation was found yesterday. It has been present for several days. It was fixed yesterday.

Regenerate your cert and you should be fine.

dylanbromby commented 4 years ago

Closing this out since it was a bug with Apple's certificate signing.