frozzel / first-day-repo

Day one of class work
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# 📖 Implement Typographic Styles #19

Open frozzel opened 2 years ago

frozzel commented 2 years ago

📖 Implement Typographic Styles

Work with a partner to implement the following user story:

Acceptance Criteria

📝 Notes

Refer to the following documentation:

MDN Web Docs on fundamental text and font styling


The following image demonstrates the web application's appearance:

The blog page includes a monospaced list and headings with a serif font.

💡 Hints

🏆 Bonus

If you have completed the activity and want to further your knowledge, work through the following challenge with your partner:

Use Google or another search engine to research this.

© 2022 Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand. Confidential and Proprietary. All Rights Reserved.

frozzel commented 2 years ago
