frozzel / first-day-repo

Day one of class work
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# 🏗️ Create a Webpage Using HTML #3

Closed frozzel closed 2 years ago

frozzel commented 2 years ago

🏗️ Create a Webpage Using HTML

Work with a partner to implement the following user story:

Acceptance Criteria


The following image demonstrates the web application's appearance and functionality:

Webpage titled "Student Bio" features "Your Name" heading, a spot for an image and bio, and a "Contact Info" section.

You can use this placeholder image.

💡 Hints

How can you use header elements to define the most important heading and the subheaders? How will using different header elements impact the size of the text?

Refer to the Full-Stack Blog HTML Cheatsheet

frozzel commented 2 years ago

Done not loaded int Repo waiting for class

frozzel commented 2 years ago

loaded into repo