fruit-bat / pico-zxspectrum

ZX Spectrum for Raspberry Pico Pi RP2040
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USB game controllers which don't work with emulator #133

Open tankist-git-2 opened 2 months ago

tankist-git-2 commented 2 months ago

I provide two descriptions on USB game controllers which don't work with the emulator. The first one is Super Nintendo (chineese version) which hangs emulator immediatelly. The second one is Microsoft XBox game controller which do nothing in games. The only one which work fine for me is just Sony Playstation 3 game controller.

SNES game controller (

Device USB\VID_0810&PID_E501\5&389ab2c2&0&7 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF3202
Device ID: USB\Class_03
Low rank Drivers: 
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&33974a7c&0&0

Device HID\VID_0810&PID_E501\6&2e17453f&0&0000 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Raw_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF1003
Low rank Drivers: input.inf:HID_DEVICE:00FF1005
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_0810&PID_E501\5&389ab2c2&0&7

Microsoft XBox game controller (

Device USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&e794f6e&0&00 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF3202
Device ID: USB\Class_03
Low rank Drivers: 
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_045E&PID_028E\0449C11

Device HID\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\7&fde769f&0&0000 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Raw_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF1002
Low rank Drivers: input.inf:HID_DEVICE:00FF1004
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&e794f6e&0&00
DPRCZ commented 2 months ago

fruit-bat commented 2 months ago

Thanks for these. I'm currently working on more 50hz support, but will try to look at these soon.

DPRCZ commented 1 month ago

I did some research in USB game controllers. gamepad

It ended by creatting my own gamepad and after few day of missery found the problem. Pico-zxspectrum recognize as joystick HID descriptor with usage 4 - joystick and not the usage 5 - gamepad :-(

Sample of good HID descriptor:

code const uint8_t HidRepDesc[] = {
    0x05, 0x01,                    // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
    0x09, 0x04,                    // USAGE (Joystick)
    0xa1, 0x01,                    // COLLECTION (Application)
    0x09, 0x01,                    //   USAGE (Pointer)
    0xa1, 0x00,                    //   COLLECTION (Physical)
    0x09, 0x30,                    //     USAGE (X)
    0x09, 0x31,                    //     USAGE (Y)
    0x15, 0x00,                    //     LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
    0x26, 0xff, 0x00,              //     LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255)
    0x75, 0x08,                    //     REPORT_SIZE (8)
    0x95, 0x02,                    //     REPORT_COUNT (2)
    0x81, 0x02,                    //     INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
    0xc0,                          //   END_COLLECTION
    0x05, 0x09,                    //   USAGE_PAGE (Button)
    0x19, 0x01,                    //   USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1)
    0x29, 0x01,                    //   USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 1)
    0x15, 0x00,                    //   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
    0x25, 0x01,                    //   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1)
    0x75, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (1)
    0x95, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (1)
    0x81, 0x02,                    //   INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
    0x75, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (1)
    0x95, 0x07,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (7)
    0x81, 0x03,                    //   INPUT (Const,Var,Abs)
    0xc0                           // END_COLLECTION (application)

Non recognized gemepad ...
code const uint8_t HidRepDesc[] = {
    0x05, 0x01,                    // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)
    0x09, 0x05,                    // USAGE (Gamepad)
    0xa1, 0x01,                    // COLLECTION (Application)
    0x09, 0x01,                    //   USAGE (Pointer)
    0xa1, 0x00,                    //   COLLECTION (Physical)
    0x09, 0x30,                    //     USAGE (X)
    0x09, 0x31,                    //     USAGE (Y)
    0x15, 0x00,                    //     LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
    0x26, 0xff, 0x00,              //     LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255)
    0x75, 0x08,                    //     REPORT_SIZE (8)
    0x95, 0x02,                    //     REPORT_COUNT (2)
    0x81, 0x02,                    //     INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
    0xc0,                          //   END_COLLECTION
    0x05, 0x09,                    //   USAGE_PAGE (Button)
    0x19, 0x01,                    //   USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1)
    0x29, 0x01,                    //   USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 1)
    0x15, 0x00,                    //   LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0)
    0x25, 0x01,                    //   LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1)
    0x75, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (1)
    0x95, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (1)
    0x81, 0x02,                    //   INPUT (Data,Var,Abs)
    0x75, 0x01,                    //   REPORT_SIZE (1)
    0x95, 0x07,                    //   REPORT_COUNT (7)
    0x81, 0x03,                    //   INPUT (Const,Var,Abs)
    0xc0                           // END_COLLECTION (application)
DPRCZ commented 1 month ago

Probably this modification solve the gamepad problem.

fruit-bat commented 1 month ago

@DPRCZ Many thanks for the suggested change. If you tell me which firmware you use I will build you a version to test (before I release it more widely).

DPRCZ commented 1 month ago

Thank you, but I have already tested it on my board.

fruit-bat commented 1 month ago

I provide two descriptions on USB game controllers which don't work with the emulator. The first one is Super Nintendo (chineese version) which hangs emulator immediatelly. The second one is Microsoft XBox game controller which do nothing in games. The only one which work fine for me is just Sony Playstation 3 game controller.

SNES game controller (

Device USB\VID_0810&PID_E501\5&389ab2c2&0&7 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF3202
Device ID: USB\Class_03
Low rank Drivers: 
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\ROOT_HUB30\4&33974a7c&0&0

Device HID\VID_0810&PID_E501\6&2e17453f&0&0000 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Raw_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF1003
Low rank Drivers: input.inf:HID_DEVICE:00FF1005
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_0810&PID_E501\5&389ab2c2&0&7

Microsoft XBox game controller (

Device USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&e794f6e&0&00 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF3202
Device ID: USB\Class_03
Low rank Drivers: 
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_045E&PID_028E\0449C11

Device HID\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\7&fde769f&0&0000 configured.
Driver Name: input.inf
GUID Class: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
Driver Date: 06/21/2006
Driver Version: 10.0.19041.3636
Vendor: Microsoft
Driver Section: HID_Raw_Inst.NT
Driver Rank: 0xFF1002
Low rank Drivers: input.inf:HID_DEVICE:00FF1004
Device has been updated: false
Parent Device: USB\VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00\6&e794f6e&0&00

I think at least the X-box controller looks to be the same problem sorted by DPRCZ...

I've pushed some new builds. Please let me know how you get on.

fruit-bat commented 1 month ago

Thank you, but I have already tested it on my board.

Fantastic, I will release a set of firmware.

tankist-git-2 commented 1 month ago

I tried my two joysticks again with the new firmware. There are no changes since the last test: Super Nintendo joystick hangs the board, X-Box joystick do nothing. PS joystick work as before (a little bit strange because of using analog pad instead of discrete)

Update: NES joystick not always hangs the emulator, but even if it's not it does nothing anyway. When NES joystick hangs the emulator there is an information on UART log:

Configuring DVI
Core 1 start

*** PANIC ***

Data Seq Error

Maybe you should use UART log for getting more information about a trouble?

DPRCZ commented 1 month ago

According XBOX gamepad is not standart HID device.

fruit-bat commented 1 month ago

According hathach/tinyusb#1929 XBOX gamepad is not standart HID device.

Ah, going to be tricky then.

I had a plan a while ago to try and improve support by adding 'pre-wrapped' HID report descriptors into the build for devices that do not declare one themselves. Might be a while before I get round to this... and I don't have any x-box controllers to experiment on. This approach won't work if the device needs you to send it a message before it starts reporting; anything like that will need custom code per device.

tankist-git-2 commented 1 month ago

You should understand Xbox controller is not my goal. It's expensive and hard-to-get controllers. It would be great if you add support for cheap SNES controllers.

DPRCZ commented 1 month ago

@tankist-git-2 modeswitch Try this - you want the DINPUT Mode.

DPRCZ commented 1 month ago

@fruit-bat in tusb_config.h change:




It is necessary for long descriptors like PS4 gamepad has.

fruit-bat commented 1 month ago

@DPRCZ I've made the change and released a set of firmware. Many thanks.