fruit-bat / pico-zxspectrum

ZX Spectrum for Raspberry Pico Pi RP2040
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SD Card reading stuck on lots of files #53

Closed alex-taras closed 1 year ago

alex-taras commented 1 year ago

Hi, noticed the SD Card loading gets stuck if I have a lot of files on the SD Card (280). Is it possible to add support for subfolders so we can have big collections in on a single SD Card (tried with subfolders and it doesn't display anything)? around 50 files works fine (talking about the tapes folder)

PS. Thanks for this amazing piece of work !

fruit-bat commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a nice idea. I will need to re-think the interaction between the folders and menus. At the moment the folders are read once after reset/power on .

Ripper912 commented 1 year ago

Hi any update on this? The Sub-Folder would it be a great ideal for having a lager collection/s. At least in the Quickload section or Tápe Sub-Folder. Thanks for your great programing skills as well support via this awsome pice of software.


fruit-bat commented 1 year ago

Hi, no progress yet. Currently adding some support for tzx format, which turns out to be quite involved. Thanks for the nudge, I will have a look at this after tzx. No promises though, I really don't have a lot of ram to work with 🙂

fruit-bat commented 1 year ago

Started looking at this now. Quite a bit to do:

  1. Reduce memory use of the directory loops (next/prev snapshot)
  2. Reduce memory usage of menu based selection of files
  3. Present and act on directory entries

(1.) Is in progress at the moment and looks promising ( The in-memory list is being replaced with a file written to the sd card containing the directory entries. ).

fruit-bat commented 1 year ago

I've merged some changes that should allow more files in the tapes and snapshots folders. The changes also deliver directory information to the menus to allow these to be presented and acted on in a later set of changes.

(1) and (2) from the above comment are now complete. When I get a mo, I will look at adding directories to the menus.

fruit-bat commented 1 year ago

There are binaries on the feature/fexp branch. Not well tested but out for Christmas! These give basic folder navigation and move the quicksaves into a sub-folder of the snapshots. Let me know how you get on with it :-)

alex-taras commented 1 year ago

Oh, thanks, just in time for Christmas ! Will give it a try and let you know, Happy Holidays !

alex-taras commented 1 year ago

tested this a bit, everything seems fine ! great improvment !