fruitbars / simple-one-api

OpenAI 接口接入适配,支持千帆大模型平台、讯飞星火大模型、腾讯混元以及MiniMax、Deep-Seek,等兼容OpenAI接口,仅单可执行文件,配置超级简单,一键部署,开箱即用. Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI and compatible APIs using a single executable for quick setup and deployment.
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services名称是否支持别名? #24

Closed ywxhqwq closed 2 weeks ago

ywxhqwq commented 2 weeks ago

比如讯飞星火有Spark Lite、Spark Pro、Spark3.5 Max三个模型,每个模型的server_url都不一样,这种情况下services名称该如何设置? 现在如果将xinghuo设置为其他的比如xinghuo1则会报错"error": "service handler not found"

ywxhqwq commented 2 weeks ago

1719048812036 比如像这种该怎么写配置文件呢?

ywxhqwq commented 2 weeks ago
