frwololo / PS4_PS5-ESP8266-Server

WebServer+Wifi Repeater+Fake DNS Server to Host PS4/PS5 Exploits on ESP8266/ESP32
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NAPT issue #2

Open Guiz22 opened 7 months ago

Guiz22 commented 7 months ago


This tool uses NAPT to act as a Wifi Repeater. NAPT is not enabled by default on several ESP32 SDKs that I've found, and if your SDK doesn't have NAPT support, the build will fail, most likely with a "IP_NAPT must be defined" error. This most likely means you need another SDK. I used this one, as mentioned in

Can you explain th method you used to integrate this forked libs ? I tried to simply copy them in android ide directories, but I got many errors after that.

I tried to flash with bin file but my esp32-S3 won't boot after that upload, the green led is perpetually on.

Thanks for your help :)


frwololo commented 7 months ago

1) My bin file is for ESP32, notESP32 S3, so it's probably expected that the bin doesn't work on your device

2) I don't remember exactly how I installed the SDK, but I believe I just extracted that file into my personal folder (for me it's C:\Users\wololo\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.11\, but you can find the location for your own pc by going to "settings" where you will see a message saying: "more preferences can be edited directly in the file". The file in itself doesn't matter here, it's the directory that you want to find. From that directory, go to packages/esp32/... until you find a structure that looks what you're trying to extract. If that's what you did and you still have issues, not sure what the problem is. Maybe copy/paste the errors you get to see if I can help

Guiz22 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your reply,

I tried to compile with 2.0.11 version of board library ant with th files replacements, no NAPT issu for now :) But i'm facing issue with TAG :( TAGErrorLogBeforeFix.txt When i try to apply solution described fox fix it (in WebSocketHandler.cpp) i have errors again :( TAGErrorLogAfterFix.txt

Are you able to compile a bin file for S3 boards with your setup ?

Cordially, Guillaume.

Guiz22 commented 7 months ago

I tried to comment this inn WebSocketHandler.cpp and now I can go to the end of the compilation :) / ESP_LOGI( TAG, "Fin: %d, OpCode: %d (%s), Mask: %d, Len: %d", (int)frame.fin, (int)frame.opCode, opcode.c_str(), (int)frame.mask, (int)frame.len );/

But the esp seems to be freezed :( no wifi ssid appears :(

frwololo commented 7 months ago

Sorry that it's so complicated. At this point I think you need to enable all debugging options and try to log stuff to see where your device is freezing :(

frwololo commented 7 months ago

I cannot easily compile a version for ESP32 S3, because typically I also include the filesystem, but to do that I need to upload to an actual device.

I'm attaching a tentative compiled version, but no idea if it will work without the filesystem... plus I haven't touched the project in a long time so everything's just a bit fuzzy

Guiz22 commented 7 months ago


I can't upload, it fails with erasing flahs. I'm goind to debug it when i'll have some time. Thanks for your time :)

Just a final qustion : How do you add support for 9.00 firmware ? I'm able to put your work in an recycled esp32 board (, but i didn't find how to add this support.

Jason2866 commented 6 months ago

Came here by accident ;-). I am the maintainer of the Arduino framework fork with napt support. The framework is built for project Tasmota which uses NAPT... Way easier to use with Platformio than with ArduinoIDE. With Platformio there is no need to replace any files. Just use in Platformio setup this to use actual Arduino core 2.0.14

platform =
platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @

So something like this should work

env_default = wrover


platform =
platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
lib_deps = esp32_https_server