fryn / html5slider

<input type=range> polyfill for Firefox
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works great for Firefox, not so great for IE9 #7

Closed Pomax closed 11 years ago

Pomax commented 11 years ago

Is there a simple way to make this script work for IE9, in addition to Firefox? Everything else supports input type="range", so at this point the only browser that the thing I'm working on,*sin(b*t)), doesn't work in is IE9 (IE10 should have range support, but it's going to be a while yet before that's out)

fryn commented 11 years ago

IE does not provide a way to hook into the native widget styling, so support for IE9 and below is not possible.

Fortunately, IE10 has added built-in support for input type="range" sliders! :)

Pomax commented 11 years ago

Now if only IE10 was available for not-windows-8 =D

IE9 definitely supports CSS3 though, to make the sliders look native ;)