fsantini / KoboCloud

A set of scripts to synchronize a kobo reader with popular cloud services
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Support for iCloud Drive #108

Closed holeyman closed 1 year ago

holeyman commented 2 years ago

Considering the number of Apple users, this would be great.

fsantini commented 2 years ago

Hi, sure, but I don't have a Mac and I don't know how iCloud works. Are public links possible as with the other services? Would you be willing to provide such a link so we can try and develop the appropriate procedure?

JaymesRS commented 2 years ago

Hey, I am a pretty comfortable Mac user and am happy to help provide help if I can too.

Folder set up for access by all who have link for view only access. It currently has a book by Houdini (Miracle Mongers and their Methods) from Project Gutenberg as its only file.
