fsantini / KoboCloud

A set of scripts to synchronize a kobo reader with popular cloud services
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Libra 2 on 4.31.19086 firmware doesn't work with KoboCloud #116

Closed BoevoyNarod closed 1 year ago

BoevoyNarod commented 2 years ago

After installing and configuring KoboCloud the .log file contains only "2022-02-19_16:32:52 waiting for internet connection". So as far as I understood the `if [ "$TEST" = "" ] then

check internet connection

echo "`$Dt` waiting for internet connection"
while [ $r != 0 ]; do
if [ $i -gt 60 ]; then
    ping -c 1 -w 3 aws.amazon.com >/dev/null 2>&1
    echo "`$Dt` error! no connection detected" 
    exit 1
ping -c 1 -w 3 aws.amazon.com >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $r != 0 ]; then sleep 1; fi
i=$(($i + 1))

fi` works incorrect.

BoevoyNarod commented 2 years ago

So I tried #output to log $KC_HOME/get.sh drive.google.com > $Logs/get.log 2>&1 & and as a result another .log get.log The precompiled version couldn't recognize internet and the self-compiled with change shown above has permission error

BoevoyNarod commented 2 years ago

I have discovered a remarkable circumstance. I have found that precompiled version of KoboRoot WORKS WELL if I connect not directly to the my home wi-fi network run on Zyxel Keenetic Giga but through the Mobile access point on my phone connected to the same home wi-fi. I made small changes in get.sh to catch ping output and install self-compiled version (It has curl permission problem but give a chance to investigate source of problem). Attached .log files (direct wi-fi connection and via mobile hot spot connected to the same wi-fi). May it be helpful get_directly2Wifi.log get_viaMobile.log

May be another internet connection check could be performed. If I could manage a permission issue I would try myself.

tpet93 commented 2 years ago

not 100% sure if related, i'm on the problematic firmware and when I have kobocloud installed, my libra 2 forgets all wifi networks on restart or whenever the wifi is turned off. un-installing kobocloud fixes the issue.

I'm suspecting there may be conflicting udev rules on new wifi connection? not familiar enough with udev rules to be sure. anybody with experience in the area care to advise if this is a path to pursue?