fsantini / KoboCloud

A set of scripts to synchronize a kobo reader with popular cloud services
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Any way to make removing books from device "stick"? #141

Open ajkessel opened 1 year ago

ajkessel commented 1 year ago

My Google Drive folder contains items to read. Once I finish an item, I'd like to remove it from the device and not have it reappear on the device the next time I sync. Is this not possible with the current implementation? Might it be possible for KoboCloud to keep track of files it has synced once, and if the user removes the file from the device, KoboCloud won't re-download it again. Or is there some other workaround I'm missing?

ajkessel commented 1 year ago

I tried tweaking the code so that any unique ID in Google Drive would only be downloaded once, and then not re-downloaded if it had already been downloaded. But this resulted in all my cloud content disappearing. Is everything re-downloaded anew on every resync? Or am I doing this wrong?

mu22le commented 1 year ago

Hi, I also wish there was an option to remove stuff without KoboCloud downloading it again. If you want comments on why your modifications are not working, you should share your version with the author.

ajkessel commented 1 year ago

I gave up and replaced KoboCloud with rclone. Then when I remove an item on the Kobo, it gets removed from the cloud folder and is not re-downloaded. May not be an ideal solution for everyone but is good for my purposes.

mu22le commented 1 year ago

I assume you are talking of https://github.com/shermp/kobo-rclone. I'll give it a try. Nonetheless, I'd suggest the KoboCloud to keep this feature request on their To-do list.

ajkessel commented 1 year ago

Actually, I just developed my own shell script to use rclone:

/mnt/onboard/.adds/rclone/rclone bisync /mnt/onboard/rclone/ rclone:/ --force
qndb -t 60000 -s pfmDoneProcessing -m pfmRescanBooksFull
echo usb plug add >>/tmp/nickel-hardware-status
sleep 10
echo usb plug remove >>/tmp/nickel-hardware-status

Using the Linux 32-bit ARM rclone executable from https://rclone.org/downloads/

The USB plug steps are to trigger autoshelf, so my cloud folders are automatically organized into shelves by directory.

It also works more consistently if you keep WiFi always on.