fsantini / KoboCloud

A set of scripts to synchronize a kobo reader with popular cloud services
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Is it possible to add Seafile as a cloud provider? #80

Closed korry73 closed 1 year ago

korry73 commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to add Seafile (www.seafile.com) as a cloud provider?

VPeeters commented 3 years ago

I personally don't use it. I could write an implementation if more people want this, but otherwise I would suggest to write it yourself. I can help if you can't get it to work.

korry73 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I can try, but my dev skills are close to zero. I expect my Kobo on Monday and I will test.

groentebroer commented 3 years ago

@korry73 It would help if you could supply a (permanent at best) shared folder with one file in it: ulysses.epub (download it for example from here: https://nc01.adruna.org/s/Y72RfYJM79jct8N ). That would help create a test setup for yourself and others for KoboCloud....

korry73 commented 3 years ago

@groentebroer , @VPeeters , thanks!

I have a self-holsted Seafile server and can provide any support required. I have uploaded ulysses,epub here: https://seacloud.no-ip.info/d/c1b9d3d19b9b40959cc6/ Please let me know is anything else is needed. You can also register an account on my server. Seafile supports webdav if it is needed for books sync.

VPeeters commented 3 years ago

If it supports webdav it should be relatively easy to implement this... I will see what I can do.

korry73 commented 3 years ago

Yep, it does, this is the webdav url on my server: https://seacloud.no-ip.info/seafdav/ You can register an account to test. Let me know if sth is needed (logs etc.)

vietchovui commented 2 years ago

yeah. I hope that mega.nz cloud service could also be added. This free service gives 50gig storage and it's very fast.