fsantini / KoboCloud

A set of scripts to synchronize a kobo reader with popular cloud services
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Possible Funding available for more open-source development on KoboCloud #94

Closed richardswitzer closed 2 years ago

richardswitzer commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I lead the product team at an organization called eCampusOntario. One of the things we support are OERs - Open Education Resources - essentially free textbook equivalents made available under a CC license. These OERs available as a PDF at a minimum, frequently as an ePub or XML file for use in Pressbooks.

I'm interested in developing something that: a) Via a web app, allows any learner to add a supported OERs from our library to their to a Dropbox account (for access on any supported Kobo device) b) Using the same web app, allows an educator with a list of their student's dropbox accounts (possibly their 'school' account, not personal dropbox acct.) to add a package of OER files for a particular course c) Longer term, if this is successful, explore moving away from Dropbox toward something like Duraspace/DSpace which I understand would require support from Kobo's dev team (I've spoken with them, it's certainly possible to support file sync with services other than Dropbox but their capacity is limited so it would be a long-term initiative if at all).

I would have budget to support this work at market rates (maybe not SF rates!) and happy to open source any of the outputs of the project. I don't have a timeline or any key dates in mind - this is just a pitch to the team to expand the great work you've done and make educational resources available to a wider audience at no cost. I can be reached at rswitzer at the eCampusOntario URL (dot ca)

Richard Switzer

VPeeters commented 2 years ago

KoboCloud already supports syncing with a Dropbox directory. The only development needed would be to build the web app you describe. What do you need from KoboCloud?

richardswitzer commented 2 years ago

closing this issue