fsavje / scclust-R

Size-constrained Clustering in R
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hierarchical_clustering() function crashes my R session #14

Open JJ585 opened 2 hours ago

JJ585 commented 2 hours ago

I have a problem with running _hierarchicalclustering() function both on R Windows and Linux RStudio server, in both cases this function crashes my R session when I use _existingclustering parameter.

Screenshot 2024-10-15 141349

Screenshot 2024-10-15 141824

Screenshot 2024-10-15 143216

I tried to debug this function, but the problem is at the C level under .Call(Rscc_hierarchical_clustering), probably some segmentation fault.

Reproducible example here.

My setup: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.4 (Plow) or Windows 10 R 4.4.1 or RStudio server 2024.09.0 Build 375 with R 4.4.1 scclust version 0.2.5

fsavje commented 2 hours ago

Hi JJ585,

Thanks for the bug report.

I just ran your reproducible example, but I don't get an error. See printout below. Also using R 4.4.1 with scclust 0.2.5.

Could you provide more details on how the bug arises?

R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14) -- "Race for Your Life"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20

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> library(scclust)
Loading required package: distances
> load("./data.rda")
> table(clust1)
  0   1   2 
106  90  66 
> clust2 <- hierarchical_clustering(distances = dat.dist,
+                                   size_constraint = 50,
+                                   existing_clustering = clust1)
> table(clust2)
 0  1  2  3 
66 90 50 56 
JJ585 commented 1 hour ago

The error occurs when hierarchical_clustering function is called (Shit+Enter) - it starts execution for a short period of time and then the window appears that states that session has been terminated. I tried to step into the function and call it line by line and the error occurs at

clustering <- .Call(Rscc_hierarchical_clustering, distances, size_constraint, batch_assign, existing_clustering)

fsavje commented 1 hour ago

Ok. I can still not reproduce the bug, which makes it difficult to bug hunt.

I'm using MacOS, so this might be something that doesn't pop up on that platform. I will try to reproduce on other platforms, but it will take a bit longer to do. Stay tuned.

Thanks again for the careful bug report. I very much appreciate it.

JJ585 commented 1 hour ago

Ok. I can still not reproduce the bug, which makes it difficult to bug hunt.

I'm using MacOS, so this might be something that doesn't pop up on that platform. I will try to reproduce on other platforms, but it will take a bit longer to do. Stay tuned.

Thanks again for the careful bug report. I very much appreciate it.

I added screenshot mp4 to show how the error happens.

The error occurs at external .Call() image

fsavje commented 1 hour ago


To clarify, I wasn't doubting whether you had the bug. But I need to reproduce it in order to start investigating where it comes from.