fsbolero / TryFSharpOnWasm

F# Compiler running in WebAssembly with Bolero
Apache License 2.0
38 stars 4 forks source link

Add the Tour of FSharp samples #4

Open Tarmil opened 5 years ago

Tarmil commented 5 years ago


eternaldensity commented 5 years ago

I happened to try those out (just by copypasting the whole lot of samples from Visual Studio) and there were a few compile errors. Somewhat ignorantly (I hadn't found this repo yet) I reported them over here https://github.com/fsbolero/Bolero/issues/76

On short there's a few issues with datetime localisation and System.Random.NextDouble() is oddly missing.

Tarmil commented 5 years ago

I transferred the issue to this repo: https://github.com/fsbolero/TryFSharpOnWasm/issues/7