fscheck / FsCheck

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Fallout from Paket and FAKE deletion #663

Closed Smaug123 closed 4 months ago

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

(For after https://github.com/fscheck/FsCheck/pull/662 because it will conflict.)

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago
// I *believe* it is impossible to have a fixed (not floating) version number from a source reference
// via `dotnet pack`. Without this next bit, FsCheck.Xunit vA.B.C depends on >= FsCheck vA.B.C, not
// on FsCheck exactly at vA.B.C.

Have we also lost the NUnit (>= 3.13.1 && < 4.0.0) now? It seems to have turned into NUnit (>= 3.13.1). Is there something in dotnet pack that can specify that like paket.template?

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Are you observing that? I see the correct bound.

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 10 54 57

And indeed when I unzip the FsCheck.NUnit.nupkg file and look at its nuspec, it correctly says:

<dependency id="FsCheck" version="[3.0.0-rc2]" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
<dependency id="NUnit" version="[3.13.1, 4.0.0)" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

Ah, is it the line in Directory.packages.props that does it?

    <PackageVersion Include="NUnit" Version="[3.13.1,4.0.0)" />

That's alirght then.

Push worked btw, I just pushed rc2. But I think I messed up the xunit dependency restriction. Luckily there is no v3 of xunit so no harm no foul, I hope.

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

That's the line, yep. You'll want this:

    <PackageVersion Include="xunit.extensibility.execution" Version="[2.4.1, 3.0.0)" />

in Directory.Packages.props.

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

This always fails with "Forbidden". I've regenerated my token. It has I think the right permissions (see below). I set the token as env variable in exactly the same way as NUGET_KEY, which works.

Clearly either my token is missing some permissions, or it's somehow not being passed correctly. I've checked the header and it looks fine, compared to the docs. https://docs.github.com/en/rest/releases/releases?apiVersion=2022-11-28#create-a-release

Any ideas?

    use client = new HttpClient ()
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add ("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json")
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add ("X-GitHub-Api-Version", "2022-11-28")
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization <- AuthenticationHeaderValue ("Bearer", pat)
    let postData = JsonSerializer.Serialize releaseSpec
    use content = new StringContent (postData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
    use response = client.PostAsync($"https://api.github.com/repos/%s{gitOwner}/%s{gitName}/releases", content).Result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
    let response = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
    let output = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<GitHubReleaseResponse> response


Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Let me set up a toy repo and try it.

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

Worked just now with a curl. So my token must be ok, it's just not being set in the header correctly somehow.

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Currently you're setting Authorization twice (client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add ("Authorization", "2022-11-28")) - that's my bad, you need to delete that line. Haven't worked out if that's the only problem yet.

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

Yeah, did that, with that it didn't work at all. (See my commit on master just now). After that I get the Forbidden error.

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

Fixed up the release manually for now, no rush. Stepping away from computer now for a while.

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Got it - I need to learn never to use anything other than SendAsync, because all the helpers are liable to hide crucial information and this catches me out very regularly. The problem is https://docs.github.com/en/rest/using-the-rest-api/getting-started-with-the-rest-api?apiVersion=2022-11-28#user-agent ("you need a user agent").

I've raised the fix as https://github.com/fscheck/FsCheck/pull/665 .

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

Look at moving to NerdBank.GitVersioning;

From a quick look, this doesn't do what we want (i.e. read the release notes and pick up the version from there). It seems to require a separate json file with the verison in it. If that's the case, I'd prefer just keeping the fake dependency for this, I don't think it'll get in the way much.

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Fair enough!

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Oh nooooo, it looks like dotnet pack interprets commas in -p:PackageReleaseNotes=:

The failed process call (note that this is almost all a command line):

Process 'dotnet' failed with nonzero exit code 1. Args: pack --configuration Release -p:Version=3.0.0-rc2 --output bin -p:PackageReleaseNotes=Breaking change: confusingly named `StringNoNnulls` is renamed to `StringNoNullChar`.
Breaking change: The operators `|@`, `@|` and `%>` are removed. Please use `Prop.label` instead.
Negative decimals are now also generated. (by Stephen Smith)
Relaxed FsCheck.Xunit's restriction on xUnit versions. (by Tom Rijnbeek)
Made `Gen.choose64` public.
Removed dependency on FAKE and paket in favor of standard .NET tools. (by Patrick Stevens)
Added more `ForAll` overloads for various `Task` types.
The collections types `NonEmptySet`, `NonEmptyArray` and `FixedLengthArray` now implemented `IEnnumerable` to avoid a call to `Get` in common scenarios..

Stdout of dotnet pack:

  MSBuild version 17.8.3+195e7f5a3 for .NET
MSBUILD : error MSB1006: Property is not valid.
Switch:  `@|` and `%>` are removed. Please use `Prop.label` instead.
Negative decimals are now also generated. (by Stephen Smith)
Relaxed FsCheck.Xunit's restriction on xUnit versions. (by Tom Rijnbeek)
Made `Gen.choose64` public.
Removed dependency on FAKE and paket in favor of standard .NET tools. (by Patrick Stevens)
Added more `ForAll` overloads for various `Task` types.
The collections types `NonEmptySet`
For switch syntax, type "MSBuild -help"
Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

I'll put it in an env var instead.

kurtschelfthout commented 4 months ago

I can try to avoid commas in the release notes ;)

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

On the plus side, Appveyor does now catch that error! https://ci.appveyor.com/project/kurtschelfthout/fscheck/builds/49266851

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Oh my god, MsBuild itself appears to perform XML escaping on the ampersands I am trying to use to perform XML escaping. If we can get XML-escaped lines in there then they will correctly be shown in the release notes:

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 20 36 41


But I can't get them in there.

Smaug123 commented 4 months ago

Gone with some truly amazing hacks (https://github.com/fscheck/FsCheck/pull/672)