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Do we want a reader screen #9

Open ianvanhoof opened 8 years ago

ianvanhoof commented 8 years ago

I am talking about a button that shoves everything into a 1 column cascade view. Much like medium. What do you think?

camhayes commented 8 years ago

I've thought about this a lot over the last year or two. My answer is that I'm not 100% sure.

Pros: Accessibility

Quality of Life


Generally, I lean toward saying "yes" to this idea, I just try to be mindful of where this feature could cause a headache for us or our users. over the value we gain by having it. If we were to go down this road, I think we would need to consider it's implementation as being more than just making all of the content columns 100% width. The design should be simplified, with most of the non-typographic styles removed (and probably even removing the entire slide concept). We should also consider any additional presentation options (like contrast changes, or nightmode features, and whether or not to extract content from widgets). If we do not do these things, then why implement a reader feature, when the user could instead ctrl+ until the columns respond?


edit: markdown formatting

ianvanhoof commented 8 years ago

Generally, I lean toward saying "yes" to this idea

So do I, which is why we are having this conversation.

it's implementation as being more than just making all of the content columns 100% width.

I was thinking...I am already scraping the slides recursively for the table of contents. I was going to use the same method just not stop at the headings. Using this method we can pick and choose what we would like to appear in reader mode.

Will require some more thought from anyone designing an LO

Not any more thought than you do now when checking the responsive breaks while laying content out normally...when you "Scrub the page" as it were. ahem.

when the user could instead ctrl+ until the columns respond.

That would just put it in mobile "stacked" view which isn't what we want. I was feeling more of a cascade. Think...a built in Readability or Instapaper. Yes, one could use it for accessibilities sake, but this is more for straight up reading than anything else.

Should reader mode still have interactivity? I wasn't worried about the interactive elements not being included in this view for the simple fact that I don't think they have any business being there. I was thinking that the goal of a reader view is to get rid of the UI, and interactive elements, so the reader can focus in on the content alone.

Thinking out loud here...we could also quickly offer dark and light color options based on our existing color palettes.

camhayes commented 8 years ago

I think we are on the same page, and I'm having trouble playing devils advocate by figuring out problems other than potentially non-existent "what if's". The only things that come to mind are:

ianvanhoof commented 8 years ago

Yeah browser performance could become a show stopper, but we won't know until it's built if it will slow down anything. Thinking out loud again, maybe it only builds itself once the button is hit. Just like the audio button. That way we can avoid heaping more things on top of that initial load.

Determining what to do with content that is validly designed for selective release

Anything like that would be stripped out, and just displayed. I am just worried about how that would work on the page more so than if I would do it or not.

I am also not that concerned with the image thing. I was going to run the content area, just like we do our main content area, and keep it centered with a max width of 1024px. That keeps the control of such things in our hands, and keeps the line length where we want it to be.

It could be a separate fork as opposed to a feature branch...

I am getting convinced at this point.

What is your final say?

camhayes commented 8 years ago

I say try it. If it becomes more of an issue than a benefit, we either hit the drawing board or scrap it.