fsfe / reuse-docs

REUSE recommendations, tutorials, FAQ and specification
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Recategorise FAQ #77

Closed mxmehl closed 3 years ago

mxmehl commented 3 years ago

This PR recategorised the FAQ to make the table of content a bit more logical, and improves a few rough or insufficient wordings I found.

Current status:

    I am short on time. Can you give me the quickest possible summary?
        1. Choose and provide licenses
        2. Add copyright and licensing information to each file
        3. Confirm REUSE compliance
    What is copyright?
    What is a license?
    Which license should I choose?
    What is SPDX?
The tool
    How do I install and use the REUSE tool?
    How do I exclude a file from REUSE compliance testing?
    Do you support a version control system other than Git?
    Is there a standard format for declaring copyright?
    Do I use SPDX-FileCopyrightText, Copyright, or ©?
    Which years do I include in the copyright statement?
    Do I need to include both GPL-3.0-or-later and GPL-3.0-only in my repository?
    What are license exceptions and what do I do with them?
    Which files are copyrightable?
    What to do with uncopyrightable files?
    How do I copy someone else’s work?
    Can I copy a work that has no copyright notice or license?
    Where else do I put my license information?
    What is a copyright holder, and what is an author?
    I changed a single line of code. Should I add an SPDX-FileCopyrightText tag with my name?
    How do I deal with a file that has been edited by many people?
    Why can’t I just use version control to record copyright?
    Can I bulk-license whole directories?
    Can I license only a part of a file as being under a different license?
    How do I properly declare multi-licensing?
    I only have a single license file. Should I still create a LICENSES directory?
    Should I put comment headers in my license files?
    How do I use a license that is not on the SPDX License List?
    How do I use a custom exception?
    Should I edit my license files?
    Can I edit copyright notices and license disclaimers?
    Can I remove the license and copyright information from minified code (e.g., JavaScript)?
For lawyers and legal experts
    I am a lawyer and want a bill of materials

This pull request:

    I am short on time. Can you give me the quickest possible summary?
        1. Choose and provide licenses
        2. Add copyright and licensing information to each file
        3. Confirm REUSE compliance
    I’m used to doing things differently; can’t I just keep doing what I have always been doing?
    What is SPDX?
The tool
    How do I install and use the REUSE tool?
    How do I exclude a file from REUSE compliance testing?
    Do you support a version control system other than Git?
    What is copyright?
    Is there a standard format for declaring copyright?
    Do I use SPDX-FileCopyrightText, Copyright, or ©?
    Which years do I include in the copyright statement?
    Which files are copyrightable?
    What to do with uncopyrightable files?
    What is a copyright holder, and what is an author?
    Why can’t I just use version control to record copyright?
    How do I deal with a file that has been edited by many people?
    I changed a single line of code. Should I add an SPDX-FileCopyrightText tag with my name?
    What is a license?
    Which license should I choose?
    Do I need to include both GPL-3.0-or-later and GPL-3.0-only in my repository?
    What are license exceptions and what do I do with them?
    Where else do I put my license information?
    Can I bulk-license whole directories?
    Can I license only a part of a file as being under a different license?
    How do I properly declare multi-licensing?
    How to deal with license texts which include copyright statements, like MIT/BSD?
    I only have a single license file. Should I still create a LICENSES directory?
    Should I put comment headers in my license files?
    How do I use a license that is not on the SPDX License List?
    How do I use a custom exception?
    Should I edit my license files?
    How do I copy someone else’s work?
    Can I copy a work that has no copyright notice or license?
    Can I edit copyright notices and license disclaimers?
    Can I remove the license and copyright information from minified code (e.g., JavaScript)?
    I want a software bill of materials