fsfrazao / DegDay

Degrees per day project for CMSC6950 course
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Workflow - Makefile & Arguments #5

Open bfsfrank opened 8 years ago

bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

Hi, guys! Since the makefile is the base workflow of our project and our workflow should be tested by me, I need to work on each file. Sometimes, I have no ideas about the details in your work, like the arguments. In that case, I will leave a note here to get your feedback to make sure I can write a good makefile.


bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

For the GDD.py, I think there should be 2 arguments, one for input, and the other one for the output directory. After I read the code, I found that the input argument can be in two types, one for the path is a directory path, then all files in that directory should be traversal; in the second method, the input path should just be a file path. Do I understand correctly? In the same time, could you provide a sample of the paths? I cannot run those paths right by myself.

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

Yes, you got it right! I was planning to add some instructions on the script level docstring. Apologies for not having done that yet.

bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

Hi, guys! I think the figures' names of our outputs should be defined to let our pdf can be done as a prototype, so the names should be in the way of "GDD_Basic_1.png" and "GDD_Optional_1.png".


fsfrazao commented 8 years ago


About the figure names, I have a suggestion: What if the programs that generate figures also accept an argument for the file name? We agreed that the directory should be passed as an argument anyway, so I think it makes sense to include the file name.

This is how _plot_cummulativeGDD.py works right now. So, in the Makefile, a call would look something like this: python plot_cummulative_GDD.py ./my/GDD/input/files ./my/cummulative/plots/GDD_Basic_2.png

What do you guys think? Would it be better to just hardcode the figure name?

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

Hi Frank, I made a few changes in the GDD.py program that will slightly affect its command line interface. I removed the option of passing a single file_name. Now it always assume that the input parameter is a folder, so there's no need for the --folder flag anymore.

Before you would do:

python GDD.py --folder ./input ./output

Now it should be:

python GDD.py  ./input ./output

If there's only one file to be processed, simply pass a directory containing only that file.

bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

Got it. Thx!

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago


I have just committed the code for the Optional task 3.

These are my contributions so far:

Task 3-Basic (Calculate GDD from downloaded files): GDD.py Task 4-Basic (Plot the cummulative GDDs): plot_cummulative_GDD.py Task 3-Optional (Relationship between base temperature and GDD): tbase_GDD_analysis.py

I made an effort provide clear usage instructions to all these tools, but please let me know if there's anything unclear when you're incorporating them in the Makefile.

bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

@fsfrazao Good, I have tested ur file; works well.

bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

Hi, @farayola & @djo504 How about the progression of your work on the Canada map and line regression functions? Please let me know if you have done those files, thx~

djo504 commented 8 years ago

hi cj4755 I should be done with the map very soon as you can see i already have the map done. What is left is to plot the data on the different points i.e the cities which i am trying to figure how to do that asap.

bfsfrank commented 8 years ago

Hi, @djo504 still waiting. If u have done with candamap.py please let me know

farayola commented 8 years ago

Hi @cj4755 , I am still working on it and in all honesty, will not be through until tomorrow morning. This is due to unforeseen engagements. I will let you know as soon as i have pushed.

djo504 commented 8 years ago

I will be done soon