fsfrazao / DegDay

Degrees per day project for CMSC6950 course
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Web Based Presentation #6

Open farayola opened 8 years ago

farayola commented 8 years ago

Hi Fatima, Trust you doing great. Kindly provide update on the status of this task. Thanks

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

I am looking Dr. Munroe's presentation. Its new for me. Please provide me the LaTeX file so that I can put all content in it.Just working from home. Did Dr. teach anything about web publishing? Today I miss the class. Thanks

farayola commented 8 years ago

I already pushed the latex file, its called "GDD Report -Group4.tex", you can pull and use for a start. Thank you And Dr. just explained the how to create the make file and workflows but not publishing. Just let me know if i can be of help. Tk

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

It needs gh-pages. I was looking into following links for that purpose: https://gist.github.com/chrisjacob/833223 which says: Clone your "grandmaster" repository into the "gh-pages" folder (this will clone in the "master" branch), checkout the "gh-pages" branch, list the files (should have "index.html" and ".git") and then remove the "master" branch to avoid any confusion. Last step is to check that "master" branch was removed and only "gh-pages" branch is listed.

gh-pages can be created via admin directly. @fsfrazao may have admin rights for this repo. If its ok with you all I can try manually as it is given in the instruction.

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

This step is manual one I mentioned above. It can also be set automatically through github/admin Its explained in the same link above.

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

I am working on .html file for web publishing. once I am done I will push to github.

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

Hi Fatima, Thanks for doing this part, but I don't understand what you want me to do. Should I create the pages using the page generator so you can just modify them or do you prefer to create the html pages from scratch?

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

I think to publish it online like how Dr. Munroe has we need gh-pages. Correct me if I am wrong. I have already created a .html file and I can run/open in web browser. But to make is online I do not know what is best method.

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

When is report due?

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

Monday 13

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

And this link explains how to make your manually created html pages available at the projects web address: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-project-pages-manually/

You basically: -clone the repository -create an orphan branch called gh-pages -remove the files from the old working tree -add content to the gh-pages branches -and push

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

Thanks @fsfrazao I did commit the GDD report group-4.html to gh-page branch. Can you all find that?

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

Hi Fatima,

The page should appear at https://fsfrazao.github.io/DegDay/ But when I try to access it says there's no index.html file in that branch.

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

I he name to GDD Report -Group4.html Dose it matter if you have different name? its on gh-pages branch.

fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

It needs at least an index.html file.

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

I renamed it to index.html and pushed it but didnot appaered in the branch. I donot know why?

sfatima@ENGR-SFATIMA ~/DegDay (gh-pages)
$ git add index.html

sfatima@ENGR-SFATIMA ~/DegDay (gh-pages)
$ git commit -a -m "index.html file for web presentatio
[gh-pages d93cc2f] index.html file for web presentation
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 rename GDD Report -Group4.html => index.html (100%)
fsfrazao commented 8 years ago

Hi @sfatima1,

I managed to put your page online, but it doesn't look right to me. Have a look.

sfatima1 commented 8 years ago

I will check with Dr. Munroe and try to fix it.