fsharp / emacs-fsharp-mode

F# Emacs mode
Apache License 2.0
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Autocomplete and go-to-reference missing / undocumented #272

Closed johanvts closed 2 years ago

johanvts commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to set emacs-fsharp mode up in emacs 27.2 (under windows 10). Things work find out of the box (except I have to manually unzip fsautocomplete.zip on windows) w.r.t. type checking etc. but there is no autocompletion and out of eglot-find-{implentation,definition,typeDefinition} only typeDefiniton seems to work. It's not clear if something is broken or I'm missing some extra steps?

I have the following fsharp section in my init.el file:

;;; Install fsharp-mode (unless (package-installed-p 'fsharp-mode) (package-install 'fsharp-mode) (package-install 'eglot-fsharp))

(require 'fsharp-mode) (require 'eglot-fsharp) (setq inferior-fsharp-program "dotnet fsi")

The EGLOT .. buffer frequently shows errors regarding "(:code -32603 :message "Cannot find ident for tooltip")".

johanvts commented 2 years ago

Ok, I figured out the command to access completions is 'completion-at-point' and installing company (company-mode) gives completions in a pop-up. Still not sure how to go-to-definition but everything works. This is more of a call for documentation I guess. I will try to add some information.

johanvts commented 2 years ago

Found go-to-reference as well : xref-find-definitions bound to M-. pr. default.