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Making Documentation Easier To Use #927

Open chuckberrypi opened 1 year ago

chuckberrypi commented 1 year ago

I'm new to F#, and enjoying working through this year's advent of code using it. One of the pain points I'm experiencing is just the layout of the FSharp.org documentation because I have to scroll through the whole page to read all of the functions in a particular namespace to find the one I want. This is really frustrating when I'm trying to see if F# has an equivalent function to another language I'm used to. For example, Rust's iterators have a map_filter method, which is equivalent to Seq.choose. But since I didn't know how it was named, I had to scroll down the whole page to see if there was a mapFilter function, then scroll around to read all of the function names until I found ones that seem like they might be promising. The fact that I can only see one or two function names at a time is really slowing down how fast I can learn F#'s api.

I'd love it if the FSharp.org website could add a sidebar that lists all of the functions in that namespace so that someone leaning the language can scan through them to discover them. Some nice examples include .NET's documentation (folded in a tree) or Rust's docs. Or you could put all of them up at the top. Really, any way to see all of the named functions all together would be super.
