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Addition of a correct modulus operator #1065

Open Happypig375 opened 3 years ago

Happypig375 commented 3 years ago

Addition of a correct modulus operator

The current remainder operator % can be surprising in that the sign of the result follows the sign of the dividend, so does not output periodic results for a fixed divisor. Changing the current behavior of % has been declined in https://github.com/fsharp/fslang-suggestions/issues/417, so another way forward would be to add a new operator, which, like a true modulus operator, would output positive results regardless of its inputs. By always outputting positive results, we would achieve predictability and ease of use for periodic computations.

From F#'s OCaml roots, mod is keyword for an infix operator already, and is currently undefined in FSharp.Core:

let inline (mod) D d =
    let r = D % d
    if r >= LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero then r
    elif d >= LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero then r + d
    else r - d
// Usage: -5 mod 3

The existing way of approaching this problem in F# is to include such a definition everytime we use the operator, or bite ourselves when trying to use % on negative dividends.

Pros and Cons

The advantages of making this adjustment to F# are

  1. Raise awareness of the true modulus operator
  2. Less duplicated code across projects
  3. Assigning novel uses to existing available operators

The disadvantages of making this adjustment to F# are that the presence of both % and mod can be confusing. However, upon realisation that % stands for the remainder operation instead of modulus, and recognising the difference between the two operations, this can be solved.

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TysonMN commented 3 years ago

[...] a new operator, which, like a true modulus operator, would output positive results regardless of its inputs.

I think you should be more precise here. "The true modulus operator" returns a quotient group, not an integer (and certainly not a finite percussion int). In a congruence like

3 mod 2 \equiv 1

the symbol 1 does not represent the integer 1 but the set of all odd numbers. It would also be correct to replace it with 3, because it is also an odd number. Using the symbol 1 there instead of something else like 3 is merely convention because it is the canonical representation of the set of odd numbers.

charlesroddie commented 2 years ago

Two uses for integer division (n div m, n mod m):

The definitions are intentionally compatible: the remainder found in the conventional definition, when applied to different n differing by a multiple of m, gives the same output.

In each case dotnet % is incorrect, for n < 0 and m > 0. E.g. -3 mod 2 should give 1 but gives -1. This contradicts the conventional definition in mathematics, since -1 < 0, and it also doesn't find a quotient equivalence class, since -3 mod 2 = 3 mod 2 evaluates to false instead of true.

dsyme commented 1 year ago

This is reasonable I guess. Marking as approved-in-principle.

charlesroddie commented 11 months ago

Correction in C#: https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/7599

The disadvantages of making this adjustment to F# are that the presence of both % and mod can be confusing.

We should have an on-by-default warning on the use of %.

tannergooding commented 11 months ago

Correction in C#: https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/7599

Noting that championed doesn't necessarily mean will happen. It just means the underlying issue garnered enough interest that it's worth taking to the language design team for a preliminary check and may be further considered if it's not outright rejected.

We should have an on-by-default warning on the use of %.

Remainder is still very valid for a number of scenarios, particularly as it comes to performance and foundational algorithms.

Warning for either is likely not correct, you ultimately have cases where each is equally valid to use.

"remainder" (% in C#) is the more foundational operator and often has direct hardware support. mod (proposed to be %%) is a higher level concept that is quite a bit more expensive and often does more than required.

Broken apart, remainder x % y is x - (truncate(x / y) * y). While x %% y is functionally ((x % y) + y) % y, or rather x - (floor(x / y) * y).

That being said, regardless of how you want to try to simplify it, the most efficient implementations of %% functionally require "more work". On hardware with a combined DivRem, you'll want to use % as part of the computation. On hardware without, you can skip the subtraction step rather than computing the "true" remainder, but are still stuck functionally having done the division + remainder calculation and then using a couple bit-twiddling tricks to avoid the branch.

charlesroddie commented 11 months ago

I would suggest the following warning: Use of % does not represent the mathematical modulus operator and may return negative numbers for positive divisors. If your intention is to use modulus, usemod, and if your intention is to use the remainder result given by %, then use System.Math.Divrem.

"If your intention is to model modulus" would be a little more accurate but users might not understand that.

On reflection off by default would be better:

Remainder is still very valid for a number of scenarios, particularly as it comes to performance and foundational algorithms.

This is true but this these scenarios are very limited and require extra understanding and care (e.g. of the signs of the inputs), so this functionality should be available but not as a single-character operator whose xml documentation describes it as modulo. Users would not use access to this and the niche where this is correct and useful would still be served and can even be included in the warning message as above (or with some other renamed function). Code that uses it intentionally should be more explicit and unintentional use should be minimized.

tannergooding commented 11 months ago

This is true but this these scenarios are very limited and require extra understanding and care (e.g. of the signs of the inputs), so this functionality should be available but not as a single-character operator whose xml documentation describes it as modulo.

I think this really depends. Technically speaking the terms modulo and modulus don't specifically mean the behavior being described here.

The modulus is simply the boundary value at which the wraparound point happens in modular arithmetic. Where-as Modulo is the remainder of an operation following division and does not specifically describe the sign of that remainder.

The remainder then depends on which rounding direction is chosen by default. Computer hardware defaults to a truncating division, which is to say x / y will is equivalent in real math to trunc(x / y). Thus, it's equivalent remainder x % y is equivalent in real math to x - (trunc(x / y) * y). This exists because truncating division is significantly cheaper to compute.

Where-as what's being asked for here is the remainder of a floored division, which is equivalent in real math to x - (floor(x / y) * y). That then leaves an open question of, "where is the operator representing floored division"?

From my view, a language can rightfully decide that either "floored" or "truncating" division is correct for them. However, the default remainder operation should then provide the logical parity of that operation. A language can then decide to also expose the other division operation, but likewise should then provide the an equivalent remainder operation for parity. The same would be true if a ceiling based division were to be provided.

I believe that mixing things such that x / y is truncating division, but x % y is floored remainder, is ultimately worse.

charlesroddie commented 11 months ago

"modular arithmetic" is equivalence-class based and as such, modulo 2, [1] = [-1]. This is correctly described in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_arithmetic . In order to represent this in computer arithmetic we need to choose consistently to maintain equality. You cannot represent the equivalence class [1] as 1 sometimes and as -1 sometimes, since 1 != -1. That's the (huge) problem with "truncating remainder": 1 mod 2 != -1 mod 2 when using that representation.

"Remaindered division" is a minor aspect of this. There is no discussion of remaindered division in this issue and there doesn't need to be, as long as users can choose the right one when they need to. There is an issue about division of integers but that issue is about / not representing true division when applied to integers (multiplication by multiplicative inverse) and therefore being dangerous and this issue is about % not conforming to modular equivalence and therefore being dangerous.

tannergooding commented 11 months ago

That's why there are multiple terms, including modular, modulus, and modulo.

The remainder of floored division is what's being asked for here and meets the needs for modular arithmetic regardless of the signs of the numerator/denominator. Where-as the remainder of truncated division only meets the needs for modular arithmetic when the signs of the numerator/denominator match.

modulus itself is effectively the point at which the values wrap around. Or rather, to quote the page you linked

In mathematics, modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around" when reaching a certain value, called the modulus

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo gets into what the modulo operation is, what it means for mathematics, and how in the computer programming world it has several variable but all equally valid definitions, one of which is the remainder of truncated division and matches what % does.

None of this makes it dangerous or incorrect. It simply makes it the pair to the default division operation that most hardware and most computer programming languages provide by default.

That may be incorrect for some usage scenarios, but the same would be true for if the default was floored division and its remainder.