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Support `DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler` #1108

Open vzarytovskii opened 2 years ago

vzarytovskii commented 2 years ago

Support DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler

the suggestion was originally posted in https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp (https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/12069) by @xperiandri

I propose we support DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler in F#.

The existing way of approaching this problem in F# is using default interpolated strings.

Pros and Cons

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The disadvantages of making this adjustment to F# are ...

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cartermp commented 2 years ago

This is handy in code instrumentation scenarios (e.g., OpenTelemetry) where you want as little overhead as possible but still want to do a little string formatting for messages on constructs (e.g., a small structured Span Event on a TelemetrySpan).

dsyme commented 2 years ago

Yeah, it's solving some real problems. But my goodness I find the adhoc nature of these C# solutions to these problems really problematic (e.g. the attributes on parameters).

As an aside, one thing I'm aware of is that there's a similarity between computed list expressions and computed string expressions (aka string interpolations)

It would kind of be nice if there was more symmetry to this, e.g. why can't we use for loops in string interpolations, e.g.

$"""abc {for x in xs do yield x; yield ";"} def"""

or implicit yield:

$"""abc {for x in xs do x; ";"} def"""

and conditionals

$"""abc {if today() then header} def"""

and pattern matching

$"""abc {match day with Monday -> header | _ -> footer } def"""

Anyway it totally makes sense to emit interpolated strings to a collector, and to sort out the conditional nature of the emit.

realparadyne commented 2 years ago

Could this become an interop pain point (or even a blocking issue) if people start making libraries with methods that make use of custom InterpolatedStringHandlers for some parameters but no longer expose plain String alternative overloads?

I would love to see further development of F# string interpolation for higher performance, greater flexibility (I've already seen a C# attempt at using a custom handler to invert it into a scanf() type of function) or even just some more optimisation for simple cases e.g.

$"""value: {stringValue}"""

Which doesn't need all the full string formatting but just some fast concatenation of two strings.

Tarmil commented 2 years ago

We could even imagine full-blown type-provider-like code generation that would use the string fragments and quotations of interpolated values at compile time to generate arbitrary code, not necessarily calls to specific methods on a builder like InterpolatedStringHandler does. For example parsing HTML at compile time to compile something like this:

html $"""<div id="test">Hello, {name}!</div>"""

into the equivalent of Fable/WebSharper/Bolero/etc function calls:

div [ attr.id "test" ] [ text "Hello, "; text name; text "!" ]

In fact, I can say for sure that Bolero would be able to provide better performance using the former than it currently does with the latter. Of course this would be an XXL dev effort 😄

cartermp commented 2 years ago


Could this become an interop pain point

yes and no. Yes, insofar as there will be new methods in .NET 6 (not many) that take on in as a parameter, and an F# consumer would need to construct an explicit instant of DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler as a parameter. But the answer is a "no" insofar as no existing APIs are being changed to use this instead of string parameters.

baronfel commented 11 months ago

There are ~1000 uses of DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler on github code search, and the areas I see commonly are:

The runtime usages are also very low-level on StreamWriter et al, so writing to all kinds of streams could become more performant with the single feature.

Xyncgas commented 8 months ago

Could this become an interop pain point (or even a blocking issue)

Blazor kinda figured out mixing C# with html

html $"""

Hello, {name}!

That's awesome, I can make a lot of html using this approach, each generated functionally presenting information of their domain, I put them all in the same page on my website, regenerate functionally and in parallel

vzarytovskii commented 7 months ago

Put an approval on it, since there's a general consensus that addition makes sense. Needs an rfc though.

charlesroddie commented 5 months ago

Some benchmarks for HW: let world = "world" in $"hello {world}" with current and some alternative implementations and TT: let two = "two" in $"{two} + {2} = {4}"


Method Mean Error StdDev Gen0 Allocated
InterpolatedStringCurrentHW 84.04 ns 1.337 ns 1.044 ns 0.0219 184 B
StringFormatHW 37.14 ns 0.545 ns 0.483 ns 0.0057 48 B
StringBuilderHW 19.99 ns 0.430 ns 0.442 ns 0.0181 152 B
DefaultInterpolatedStringHandlerHW 41.65 ns 0.713 ns 0.596 ns 0.0057 48 B
InterpolatedStringCurrentTT 195.90 ns 3.704 ns 3.465 ns 0.0458 384 B
StringFormatTT 81.88 ns 1.578 ns 1.549 ns 0.0124 104 B
StringBuilderTT 28.69 ns 0.626 ns 1.191 ns 0.0181 152 B
DefaultInterpolatedStringHandlerTT 49.24 ns 0.988 ns 0.876 ns 0.0057 48 B

Overall StringBuilder is the fastest, but DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler allocates the least. There appear to be performance costs of DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler relative to StringBuilder, at least for the typical case where custom formats are not needed.

I think a move to StringBuilder would be a good first step and would get the majority of the benefit.

Any move to DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler would build on that.

DefaultInterplolatedStringHandler is also dotnet6 so there would need to be a fallback implementation with StringBuilder anyway for netstandard2.0, or alternatively DefaultInterplolatedStringHandler can be a replacement when FSharp no longer supports netstandard2.0.

realparadyne commented 5 months ago

If it could iteratively optimise the interpolation then constant strings could be interpolated in at compile time, reducing the number of elements to concatenate. Speaking of which, if at the end all that's required is to concatenate some constant strings and some dynamically produced strings (up to 4 I think?) there are a bunch of overloads to String.Concat() that should be faster than using StringBuilder and only allocate for the resulting string.