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Add `Async.RaceAwait` to FSharp.Core #1261

Open Seng-Jik opened 1 year ago

Seng-Jik commented 1 year ago

I propose we add the these functions to FSharp.Core:

Pros and Cons

The advantages of making this adjustment to F# is having a useful function directly accessible in an idiomatic way without the need to resort to a package or using hand-written code.

The disadvantages of making this adjustment to F# is: Having more and more functions in the core library could make it harder for beginners to see the essentials.

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Tarmil commented 1 year ago

I guess this can be useful. Although assuming that the returned Async represents the still-running other computation, the semantics are more fitting for Task than Async.

vzarytovskii commented 1 year ago

Personally, I'm not entirely sure it has to be in the standard library, as opposed to just having it in nuget package.

Frassle commented 1 year ago

This pretty much already exists as Choice returning things like Choice<A,B> from it is a pretty thin wrapper. Doesn't feel like something that needs to be put into core.

Xyncgas commented 1 year ago

Async.Choice is a thing, which ever finishes first returning first

If you are implementing this api probably return a Task to represent on-going task that can be waited for its result, instead of returning async which is more like a specification in F#, of course you can wrap the result being waited in specification that specifies you can wait on it until result is available...

Functionally speaking, you produce a bunch of Task (not .NET task, task in general), checking whether the task has finished / value / result and iterate on them again clean up the rest of the tasks

cartermp commented 1 year ago

Yeah, my gut feel is this belongs in an async extensions library.

bartelink commented 1 year ago

FWIW there are some proposals in this space that are parked as TaskEx issues in https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.Control.TaskSeq/issues

Anything that joins that list should generally meet the bar of being applicable across Async/Task/ValueTask

dsyme commented 1 year ago

Has anyone got a sample implementation based on existing Async?