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Allow the initialization of explicit fields when using a primary constructor #1302

Open trevorgray opened 9 months ago

trevorgray commented 9 months ago

I propose we allow the initialization of explicit fields when using a primary constructor.

Currently in order to initialize explicit fields, a non-primary constructor is required:

// Explicit fields assigned in constructor
type MyClass =
    val mutable a: int
    val mutable b: int
    new(a0, b0) = { a = a0; b = b0; }

// Explicit fields assigned when using primary constructor
type MyClass2() as this =
    val mutable a: int

    val mutable b: int

        this.a <- 5
        this.b <- 6

// Explicit fields assigned when using let bindings
type MyClass3 private (c0: int) =
    val mutable a: int

    val mutable b: int

    let c = c0

    new(a0, b0, c0) as this =
            this.a <- a0
            this.b <- b0

type Struct1 =
    val mutable a: int
    new (a0) = { a = a0 }

This proposal is to update the language to allow explicit fields to be initialized when using a primary constructor so that the following is possible:

type MyClass(a0: int, b0: int) =
    val mutable a = a0
    val mutable b = b0

type MyClass2() =
    val mutable a = 5
    val mutable b = 6

type MyClass3(a0: int, b0: int, c0: int) =
    val mutable a = a0
    val mutable b = b0
    let c = c0

// Not possible today: A type that has a non-mutable explicit field and a let binding.
type MyClass4(a0: int, c0: int) =
    val a = a0
    let c = c0

// Same as today. Struct cannot have primary non-parameterless constructor so a non-primary constructor must be used.
type Struct1 =
    val mutable a: int
    new (a0) = { a = a0 }

// Not possible today: Parameterless struct constructor.
type Struct2 =
    val mutable a: int
    new () = { a = 5 }

// Alternatively using new inline initialization.
type Struct2() =
    val mutable a = 5

Related C# feature for parameterless stuct constructors:

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The disadvantages of making this adjustment to F# are ...

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Happypig375 commented 9 months ago

Would let mutable public be possible?

trevorgray commented 9 months ago

That could be an alternative to this. However, currently let bindings in types are always private and do not allow an access modifier to be applied whereas explicit fields can have any access modifier.

bartelink commented 9 months ago

Might be useful to reference the { inherit construct in defining the requirement